The incorruptible bodies of the Saints
The incorruptibility of the Saints is a miraculous phenomenon whereby the human body is not subjected to the natural process of decomposition after death, and is suspended from decay either temporarily or permanently through the Divine Will of God. This condition is not dependent upon the manner of burial, the temperature and place of burial or entombment, or any other external influence including embalmment or other preservation methods. There are currently several hundred documented cases of incorruptible persons in the Catholic church, many of which (but certainly not all) are canonized Saints or Blesseds.
A recent case of incorruption in a modern day Saint is perhaps the best example for the reader of these lines, as the circumstances surrounding it were documented using modern methods and tests.
St. Charbel Makhlouf (sometimes spelled Sharbel) was born in 1828 in Biqa-Kafra in the high mountains of Northern Lebanon and was given the name of Joseph by his humble farming parents, and was the youngest of five children. From his early childhood he displayed from a strong attraction to prayer and solitude. Despite the displeasure of his family he left home at the age of 23 to join the Leb¬anese Catholic Maronite Order. He was sent to the Monastery of St. Maroun where he pronounced his Vows in 1853 after two years of novitiate. The name he was given, Charbel, was that of a martyr of the Christian faith who died in AD.121.
Having received a thorough theological education in a seminary of the order, he was ordained a priest on July 23, 1859 and was reassigned to the Monastery of St. Maroun, Lebanon, where he spent the next 16 years as a monk in the practice of monastic virtues. In 1875 he received permission from his superiors to live a solitary life a short distance from the monastery in a hermitage named after Ss. Peter and Paul, which was used by priests during days of quiet personal retreat. In this secluded sanctuary he spent the remaining 23 years of his life in sacrifice and bodily mortifications.

St. Charbel was most noted for his extraordinary devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
His daily Mass was celebrated at about 11:00 each morning so that the morning hours could be spent in preparation for the Mass and the rest of the day was spent in thanksgiving. He is known to have performed several miracles during his life. He once saved his brothers from a poisonous snake by ordering it to vanish; he recited his Divine Office by the light of a lamp which a brother purposely filled with water instead of oil; he cured a madman by reciting a prayer while imposing his hands upon him; and once, on the orders of his superiors, he saved their farming lands from a scourge of grasshoppers by sprinkling the fields with holy water.
In 1898, on December 16, while at the Elevation of the Host during Mass, he suffered an apoplectic stroke from which he never recovered. Eight days later, on Christmas Eve, at the age of 70, the saint died, having been a priest for 39 years. According to monastic tradition, the body was not embalmed, but was dressed in a simple cassock and was placed in the monastery chapel for 24 hours. The body was then conveyed to the monks' burial chamber in the presence of his confreres and village folk who had braved the snow and cold to witness the interment.
The burial chamber consisted of a large subterranean room located partially beneath the high altar of the chapel and extending eastward to an area beneath the monastery garden. Those who descended into this chamber found the ground covered with rainwater that converted the floor into a veritable swamp. In view of this situation the body was not laid on the ground as was customary, but was placed on two planks which did not prevent the water and mud from encroaching upon and subsequently submerging it. The entrance to the vault was closed with a great stone.
The villagers who lived in houses facing the monastery saw a great light over the tomb the night following the burial, a phenomenon that recurred for 45 nights. This apparition of light, together with the enthusiasm of the Faithful, encouraged the ecclesiastical authorities to open the tomb and transfer the remains to a grave more accessible to the villagers who wished to pray beside it.
The tomb was subsequently opened on April 15, 1899 in the presence of the community and 10 witnesses who had been present at the burial four months earlier. They were unanimous in testifying that the water had undermined the burial ground, turning the tomb into a quagmire, and that the monk's body was actually floating on the mud.
When the body was cleaned it was found perfectly incorrupt, the muscles supple, with the hair of his head and beard intact. At this time it was also noticed that a serum mixed with blood seeped from the pores. They placed the body in a wooden coffin that was glassed on top, and carried it into a small monastic oratory. From then on, because of the great amount of blood seeping from the body, the clothing of the saint was changed twice weekly. News of the phenomenon prompted ever in-creasing numbers of visitors who for 27 years were permitted to view and touch the body.
Among the men of medicine who examined the body was Dr. Elias Elonaissi who declared on November 16, 1921:
"I observed that the pores emitted a matter like sweat; a strange and inexplicable thing according to the laws of nature, for this body that has been dead for so many years. I have renewed the same examination many times, at different periods; the phenomenon has always been the same."
Another physician, Dr. George Choukrallah, examined the body a total of 24 times during 17 years and declared:
"I have always been astonished at its state of preservation and especially this reddish liquid exuded by it. .. My personal opinion based on study and experience, is that this body is preserved by a supernatural power."
The phenomenon is more astounding when one considers that in 1918, following a simple autopsy, the body was exposed on the terrace during the heat of summer for three months without initiating decomposition nor drying the source of the fluid.
When the authorities of the order petitioned Rome for the beatification, a solemn reburial was conducted. After being dressed in sacerdotal vestments and the monastic hood the body was placed in a new coffin of wood covered with zinc. Various documents were composed by physicians, a notary and superiors of the order, and were placed in a zinc tube which was placed beside the body before the coffin was sealed with the Episcopal crest. Burial was in a new tomb specially prepared in the wall of an oratory.
During February of the Holy Year 1950, pilgrims in the chapel noticed that a watery fluid streamed from a corner of the tomb and coursed its way onto the floor of the chapel. The fluid was traced to a corner of the casket where the liquid was seen dripping through a small crack. Twenty-three years after being placed in this tomb, the body was again examined in the presence of numerous authorities and was found completely free of any trace of corruption and was perfectly flexible and lifelike.
The sweat of liquid and blood continued to exude from the body, and the garments were found stained with blood, the white content of the fluid having collected on the body in an almost solidified condition. Part of the chasuble had rotted and the zinc tube containing the official documents was covered with corrosion. The remains were later en-tombed in the same location.
The holy monk was beatified December 6, 1965 and was canonized by Pope Paul VI on October 9,1977, a day on which several miraculous cures took place at the new saint's shrine. Since the 1950 examination and especially since the beatification and canonization the number of pilgrims to the shrine has been so great as to be inestimable.
For 67 years the remains of the saint remained perfectly preserved and exuded a blood fluid described by all accounts as being supernaturally sustained and preserved of any corruption, but the body was found at the time of the beatification in 1965 to have complied with the laws of nature. Only bones were found and these of an inexplicable reddish color and during this time the flow of the fluid had ceased.
Still in existence is the poor stone house of the saint's birth, his hermit's cell which has been turned into a shrine, the altar on which he offered his last Mass, and many small articles such as his chalice, crucifix, crude table utensils and bowls.

Miracles through the intercession of Saint Charbel
Many well-authenticated miracles have been performed at the shrine. After the exhumation of 1950, the monastery began keeping records of the miracles and with in a two-year period had collected over twelve hundred reports.
Two of the cures acknowledged as being miraculous and accepted by Pope Paul VI as the required miracles for the beatification occurred during 1950. The first involved Sr. Maria Abel Kawary, S.S.C.C., who suffered for fourteen years from a gastric ulcer which neither surgery nor medication could cure or relieve. Unable to eat and compelled to stay in bed, she was in such grave condition that she was given the Last Rites of the Church three different times. After fervent prayers at the tomb of St. Charbel, she was completely and spontaneously cured. The doctor who examined the nun after the miraculous cure recorded it as "a supernatural happening which is beyond man's power to explain."
The second miracle accepted by the Sacred Congregation occurred to Mr. Alessandro Obeid, who was blinded when the retina of his eye was torn when it was struck by the branch of a tree. His sight was miraculously restored at the tomb, and he was privileged to see his heavenly benefactor in a vision. The physician who had treated Mr. Obeid during his blindness and who examined the effects of the miracle attributed the cure to an "Almighty Will which operated only by divine grace. There is no other explanation and it is certain that we have seriously sought an explanation without finding one."
Probably the most startling and frequently mentioned miracle involved a fifty-year-old seamstress, Miss Mountaha Daher of Bekassin, Lebanon. Since childhood she had been the object of ridicule because of a disfiguring hunchback, which several doctors could not reduce. Her cure was obtained after a visit to the tomb, during which she prayed not for herself, but for certain needy relatives. Her physician testified that he had examined her many times before the cure and declared that besides the deformity of the huge hump she had other deformities, including a "chicken-breast" and misshapen shoulders. The figure of the woman after the cure was of normal proportions.
“A Miraculous Star in the East, Charbel Makhlouf”, Paul Daher, Lebanese Maronite Monastery of Annaya-Djebeil, Lebanon, 1952.
-“The Incorruptibles” by Joan Carroll Cruz, 1977, Tan books and publishers.
Hi Glenn, thank you for increasing my faith and all that you do for our religion. I absolutely love to read about the lives of saints.
How does one obtain a copy of the book about St Charbel. = the miraculous star?
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your kind comment.
Unfortunately the book "A Miraculous Star in the East, Charbel Makhlouf” by Paul Daher is difficult to find. You best chances are on the internet through one of the used book website like ABE books or Alibris for example.
Thanks again and may God bless you and your loved ones.
-Glenn Dallaire
Wow! love these types of stories...I wonder where these incorrupt corpse are so I could go visit...they are more significant than the Eygptian "mummies" who out of total anxiety wanted to save their dead bodies from decaying.
the malayalam translation of the book written by Fr Paul Daher is available at St.Joseph's Cathedral Muvattupuzha Kerala India. There is a shrine of saint sharbel in the basement chapel
Totally disagree with the top incorruptible body; what about Bernadette Soubirous? Was not embalmed, exhumed three times, autopsy performed three times, all results are on-line, her skeleton, liver, ligamants and muscles are all intact; she lies in Nevers, France in a crystal chapel since 1925.
may the immaculate heart of mary and the sacred heart of jesus be praised,adored and glorified throughout the whole world now and forever.most sacred heart of jesus, pray for me ,st theresa hopeless cases,pray for me and grant this favour i ask
say this prayer 9 times a day and for 9 consecutive days and publish on or after the ninth day your request will be granted,
Concerning the incorrupt bodies of the Saints and holy persons in the Catholic church:
Father Benedict Groeschel recently spoke a bit on the incorruptibles--he said (loosely paraphrasing since I do not have the exact quote before me.)
"As Catholics, we do not base of faith on the alleged miracles that have occurred throughout the history of the Church. Our faith rests solidly on God's holy Word as revealed in the Sacred Scriptures. Miracles are intended to inspire us and support our faith in the living God, but our faith does not rest upon them. Our faith rests upon the Holy Trinity as revealed in Sacred Scripture. When it comes to the incorrupt holy men and women in the Church, it is what I would call simply "an interesting addendum to the lives of certain holy individuals".
"When studying those who are allegedly incorrupt, either fully or partially, one notes right away that the greatest Saints recognised by the Catholic Church are not among them--The holy Apostles, St Benedict, St Francis of Assisi, St Thomas Aquinas, St Augustine, St Gregory, St Basil etc. --none of these are recognised as being incorrupt. So incorruptibility must not be some kind of effect or signification of holiness, else certainly some of these great Saints of the Church would be in their number. So what then does incorruptibility signify? We don't know for sure. But I think that we can say that while it is remarkable sign, it also simply an interesting addendum to the lives of certain holy individuals."
-I think this reflection really helps to put the matter into the proper perspective.
Glenn Dallaire
Hi Glenn,
Thank you for your valuable information about the incorruptible bodies of the saints.
Bro.K.J.Praveen Raj
Saint Charbel our beloved Saint Please pray and intercede for my moms health to the Lord for a miracle healing from cancer, all for the glory of God precious name. Amen
Holy Charbel, intercede on behalf of Nieva Rebecca Aurora, a 3-year-old girl undergoing cancer treatment. Please pray for her recovery, and for her parents as they struggle to cope emotionally and financially. Most Holy Theotokos, save us!
I am 66 yrs old but I still remember that my grandmother had a post card like picture of St Charbel appearing behind a small group of people. Both sets of my grandparents were from Lebanon. Is my memory correct?
Dear Saint, please intercede those in need. My prayers for Riad. Ask God to grant him a second chance for God's kingdom to spread in dark corners of the earth
Saint Charbel, please pray for my grandmother, may she long live and her health improves
I'm not a religious person and never have been, but it's things like this that lead me to the unshakable belief that there is obviously so much more to this experience which we call "reality" than anyone knows, or ever could know, for that matter. It's quite possible that many of the so-called "incorruptibles" are a simple case of an atypical mummification or preservation of sorts, but there are others that seem to fall outside of that category. People from all areas of the globe and from all walks of life have ended up in a state of "incorruptibility," and I love that such widely revered institutions as science (and religion, to be fair,) run into these little "hiccups" now and again that remind us that we can't possibly know for sure how all of this works or why. If love to think that religion or science actually held the answers, but in the end I'm glad that none of us really know just what were doing. It's something that us humans can bond over. The search for answers to any legitimate question is a noble search. Information is great, the learning process itself is better, but wonder and awe are the best of all.
This is as it occured by faith in christ you take it very serious it may just save your life it did mine. OK There was a woman talking on Facebook she used jesus name talked like she was and even told me to cast it out in jesus name but what she didn't do well was control her need to brag. We were discussing miracles and she laidd claim to be able to do such things i litened but then she got too proud and started sayiing like i bust lightbulbs in my glare ok now we know you can;t do these things not of gods will you don't get it you dont do miracles god does. So i decided to show her St. Sylvan in very good looking shape he died a martyr of Christ in 340 AD he looks like he's ssleeeping exceot that deep cut across his throat so anyway her forst respone was i don't understand i didn't answer that then in less than 5 seconds i was witness to the fact that the body os real and if evil gets close it releases the wrath of flames onto the entire group of demons i had no clue were there it got them all to no abiities level and to reveal her nature and the intent the lord caused her to type lilyanna needs a sacrifice of blood that is pretty clear who and what just happened it was blue fames coming from not far above me and they caused a loud explosion which sent their energy flying out of them to me so it is written this way as good helps having mental powers that do things as you effortlessly think iit to do. But the evil ones didn't just gie up no way they are suicidal to get even i didn't o it you ask for it so throw the name of jesus around soe more and you'll get more of the same he will not put up you saying his name and all to lead everyone astray so they like you kill chidren drink blood and do sick things i cannot see how you got them to do in the first place. But its a good shocker for the evil doer he gets to fry his brains a bit but the powers go to you ad they are helpless now so try it out if it explodes use the power to kill them dead with. But God is real and so is Jesus and they are not happy with you and the res t of thehuman race.
Giving such a saintly being an autopsy seems cruel and unnecessary. No wonder his body finally 'died'
Does St. Sharbel have a prayer dedicated to him?
Hi Joanie,
This link below has a few prayers dedicated to St. Charbel:
God Bless
God is love
I'm concerned about humanity when so much progress in knowledge doesn't seem to affect a desire to believe in something beyond reality. God has never intervened in this world and likely never will.
Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of St. Charble, heal me of this 41 years old tinitus and partial deafness. Also, heal me of asthma and spinal pain. Thank you, Lord.
I'm lebo
He already has.
God is still powerful unto this day. The saint are a testament of His mighty power to them that love Him. Jesus is thesame yesterday today and forever. He can do thesame with everyone who believes
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