Miraculous mail deliveries in the lives of the Saints
S.A.G. (St. Anthony Guide) -The miracle letter deliveries of St Anthony of Padua
It has become a popular practice for people to write "S.A.G." on their envelopes prior to posting them in the mail. The letters stand for "St Anthony Guide" because of the miraculous story below.
During his lifetime, God was pleased to work countless miracles in the life of the Franciscan Priest St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231) and his reputation for sanctity was universally acclaimed. So in a sense it is not surprising then that immediately after the death of St. Anthony the miracles worked at his tomb were so prodigious that the Bishop of Padua petitioned the Vatican for his canonization. A judicial inquiry was instituted without delay, and by an exception regarded as unparalleled in history, on May 30, 1232 Pope Gregory IX, solemnly pronounced the decree of canonization, only eleven months after Anthony's death. His mother and two sisters who survived him had the extraordinary and extremely rare privilege of witnessing the canonization ceremony and joining in the festivities that followed the announcement. Those familiar with the canonisation process know that such a speedy canonization is unheard of in the Catholic Church, as the normal process requires much study into the life of the proposed Saint, and as such they are normally canonised decades and quite often centuries after their deaths. Such was the remarkable holiness of St Anthony.
The origin of the initials "S.A.G." and why they are often marked on envelopes is this:
A Spanish merchant named Antonio Dante left Spain for South America in 1729 to establish a business in Lima, Peru. His wife, who remained in Spain, wrote a number of letters to him without receiving a reply. After many months full of worry and with the utmost faith and simplicity, she brought a letter with her to the Church of St. Francis at Oviedo. [St Francis and St Anthony were close friends and companions during their lifetime.]

"St. Anthony, I pray to thee; let this letter reach him and obtain for me a speedy reply."
The next day she returned to the church and saw that her letter was still there. Weeping in frustration that her letter had not been delivered, she attracted the attention of the Brother sacristan who listened to her story. Afterward, he told her that he had tried to remove the letter but could not, and he asked the lady if she would try to remove it. She tried, and she did so with ease.
The letter she retieved from the hand of the statue of St Anthony was not the one that she placed there the day before; it was a letter from her husband. As she removed the letter from his hand, three hundred golden coins fell from the sleeve of the statue.
Astonished, a number of the friars were called and ran to the scene and waited while the miraculous letter was opened. The letter was dated July 23, 1729 and read:
"My dearest wife. For some time I have been expecting a letter from you, and I have been greatly troubled and concerned at not hearing from you. But at last your letter has come, and given me joy. It was a Father of the Order of St. Francis who brought it to me. You complain that I have left your letters unanswered. I assure you that when I did not receive any from you I believed you must be dead, and so you may imagine my happiness at the arrival of your letter. I answer you now by the same religious Father, and send you three hundred golden crowns [coins], which should suffice for your support until my approaching return.
In the hope of soon being with you, I pray God for you, and I commend myself to my dear patron St. Anthony, and ardently desire that you may continue to send me tidings of yourself.
Your most affectionate,
Antonio Dante"
The original letter, written in Spanish, is affectionately kept and preserved at the Franciscan Monastery in Oviedo. In memory of this event, the practice of writing S.A.G. (St. Anthony Guide) on letters has became popular, thereby placing the letters under the protection of St Anthony whom they trust will get the letter safely to its proper destination.

Another more recent case of miraculous mail deliveries occured in the extraordinary life of the 20th century stigmatic and mystic Saint Gemma Galgani (1878-1903).
In the "Life of St Gemma Galgani" written by her spiritual director, Venerable Father Germanus Ruoppolo, a few years after her death we read how the extraordinary mystic was on such familiar terms with her Guardian Angel that she sometimes entrusted her letters to him for safe delivery:
"One day, with the most charming simplicity, she prayed to her spiritual director's angel to take the letter she had written to him. Being familiar with the angel, she had no doubt as to the result. Already living dependent on the charity of the Giannini family [whom she was living with], she did not like to make additional requests in asking for stamps. She did not always proceed in this extraordinary manner, thus her recourse to the angel was not continual, yet not a single one of all the letters that she thus committed to him was lost."
In light of these extraordinary Angelic deliveries, her director, Ven Father Germanus C.P., wanted to conduct a "test" and so he instructed Gemma to give the letters she wanted to send him by the Angel to Cecilia Giannini, who was told to lock them in a place unknown to Gemma. Gemma lived in Lucca, Italy while her spiritual director lived several hundred miles away in Rome.
And so on June 11, 1901 Gemma wrote a letter to her spiritual director seeking guidance on some spiritual matters, as she often did. She then gave a letter to Cecilia, (as previously requested by her spiritual director), who in turn gave it to Father Lorenzo Agrimonti, who was a priest living at that time with the Giannini family. Father Lorenzo immediately locked it in a chest in his own room and put the key in his pocket.
During the afternoon of the next day, Gemma saw in a vision the Angel passing by with her letter on his way to Rome to deliver it to Ven. Father Germanus, and so Cecilia immediately notified Father Lorenzo. They found that the letter had, in fact, disappeared from its secret location, and to their greater amazement they later discovered that the letter was received, as usual, by her spiritual director, unstamped of course.
To prove the matter yet another time, the same experiment was undertaken--a letter of Gemma's to her director was once again handed over to Father Lorenzo. He secretly hid the envelope between two pictures, one of St. Gabriel Possenti and the other of St. Paul of the Cross. This took place on May 22, 1901. The next day Gemma announced that her Angel had taken away the letter and the delivery of which was once again confirmed by her spiritual director, to the utter amazement of everyone involved. It is no wonder then that Ven. Father Germanus in his book on the life of St Gemma calls them "angelic letters".
And about Gemma and her guardian Angel, her spiritual director Ven. Father Gemanus writes- "Gemma, seeing the great charity her angel lavished upon her, loved her angel immensely, and his name was always on her tongue as well as in her heart.
‘Dear Angel’ she would say ‘I love you so!’
‘And why’ the Angel asked.
‘Because you teach me how to be good, and to keep humble, and to please Jesus'."
More details of the Angelic letter deliveries in the life of St Gemma Galgani can be found here.
St. Gemma is one of my favorite saints and the link at the bottom of the page to the article about Gemma and her guardian angel was awesome---and to think that she lived only 100 years ago!
WOW! Nice website!!!!
I like your "Mystics of the Church" website too! Great work...
Gemma's spiritual director Fr. Germano would find Gemma's letters mysteriously placed on his desk, without any explanation of how they arrived there...he would step out of his office for a moment and upon his return the letter would be placed there...the would have no stamp on them....they where often written the same day, and Gemma lived 500 miles away.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful miraculous stories. They always give a boost to my faith. God bless you!
Check out:
I truly believe in miracles! God work his ways mysteriously! And I love everything and anything about story of miracles!
Believe and faith really works! Mother Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ worked side by side looking forward to be reached out!!! Pls. Pray everyday.... Zealously. Miracles really happens in their own way....May God Bless Us All!!
What a wonderful morning to read this when I truly need a miracle.
Unbelievable, I am a witness of God's miracles through St Anthony, I came back from Overseas on April 27th 2014, but only last week I realized that my 18k gold bracelet was stolen just few days after my return to the States. The bracelet was kept in the closet's drawer and the only person who had access to that room aside my parents and sister was the maid, whom I discovered stole other things before. Long story short, 5 days ago (May 5) I prayed to St Anthony without any hope or faith about recovering my bracelet, and today I got a call from overseas from my mother that it was found under the bed. I can't thank enough to my Jesus fof listening to my prayer through st Anthony.
Sorry I meant to say before my return to the states
My sister lost her wallet which had her two credit cards, debit card, Social insurance card, drivers licence, health card...basically her whole life in it. She lost in her university and gave a complaint there. After a few days, we gave a complaint at the local police station as well fearing identity theft and whatnot. Where we live, there is a St Anthony's parish and there's perpetual Adoration so my sister and I went there one day and we prayed and begged for St. Anthony's intercession. My sister did St Anthony's novena 9 times a day.
About three weeks passed since she lost her wallet. One day my dad was getting mail from our communal mailbox and found an envelop which had my sister's name and address (and nothing else written on it, not even a stamp or anything) and inside it was her wallet, in same condition as she lost it; everything intact.
We figured the person who found it had left it in the mail box, but only mail man can access the communal mailbox and only my family has the other key. I don't know how the wallet got it there, but I cant thank our Lord enough for listening to us through the intercession of our beloved St. Anthony.
I praise God for this boost to my faith. I have been going Lukewarm. Thank you I entrust myself to the guidance of St . Anthony and St Gemma. Amen
St Anthony performed a lovely miracle for me. It was my Honeymoon, and on the last day me and my husband decided to go on a boat with a group, out in the ocean and go snorkelling. It was quite deep/ a lot of coral reefs (completely beautiful).
We were swimming around, however, the water freezed my husbands hand and his wedding ring slipped off into the ocean, he tried to grab it but it was gone. We both prayed to St Anthony (even though my husband isn't catholic) we also told a girl on board who was able to swim down to the bottom as she was the photographer. We had twenty minutes to find it before we left.
Luckily, despite being in the ocean and only twenty minutes, and being meeter's deep -We got it back!! The girl found it! It was a miracle, I put my faith in St Anthony and we got our wedding ring back in time before we left the ocean.
Hi my name is Angela. Me and my husband were trying to conceive but it was not happening. So I prayed to St Anthony and became pregnant. Not just that I had complications during my third semester and we were so worried, but we had a healthy baby boy. Every time I prayed to St Anthony he helped us. He is truly the saint of miracles.
My fathet has been declared dead 21 hrs before.
He was on dialysis since 4 month
Name Ashok Kumar 59yrs Male
place Patna bihar India
He wants to be alive
If possible, any miracle, please bring him back
Dear St Anthony, I am jobless for 4 months now. I could not find a job. All four of us are sick. I lost my certificate. My daughter cannot complete her studies and another one is adamant ,waiting for medical school admission.i need to pay taxes, car insurance and home insurance.
You are the miraculous Saint and I request you to find me a job where no gossipers win,and give me the money I want. Orelse provide me a lottery so I can spend my rest of the life as a missionary. St Anthony please find two young, God fearing, good character, wealthy boys who can accept and love my children for my daughters.. Please find my license.
Please cure our sickness.
I will be your devotee for the rest of my life.
Thanks, Sherly
Hi my daughters name is chinchiu and she is trying to complete her studies from 2011. Unable to pass the exams. St Anthony, she is sick also., please do a miracle sothat she can graduate and get a job. Let her i capability or whatever change to a great success.
Please heal all of us and find a MD admission for Ammu and let her be a good girl who respects her mother. St Anthony wonderful healer find a good job for me. I love God and prays a lot.but Jesus is not listening to my prayers. Miraculous St Anthony, St Gemma, St Claire all of you pray for us. please find a boy for Chinchu.
Jesus help us. Thanks, I love you all.
St. Anthony please help me. Please save me by your miracle. Really now I am a hope less. you are the hope for me.Only your miracle can save me. I need my man whom I loved and we both want to live together.But his marriage fixed for August. He does not like this marriage. Because of his mother's will it happening. We can not do anything. But We both can not leave each other. Please help us to be together forever. Only five days are left for marriage. Only a miracle can save us. Please saint please cancel this marriage. I am about to die. Day and night I am crying. I can not drink water or eat. Really I am helpless. I don't have any one to tell this. You are the only one hope to me. They have taken wedding ring,chains, dress and thali also. Really I may die. He too so tensed. Please save us. Oh st.Anthony please use your miraculous power and help us to be together and cancel this marriage. Only five days are there infront of me. please do one miracle. please.I want to be with him. I need him.Otherwise I can not live. please.
My friend is a cabin crew and he lost his camera in a hotel where he stayed in Germany , He had some very important videos in it. So when He was back from Germany, He suddenly realized He forgot his camera and He was more worried because He had to create some program with the videos He has in that camera . He messaged me and told me this sad story and I immediately prayed to My dearest saint St Anthony, and I told my friend Wait for some time, you will get it back.
I.believe, St Antony made me say that, because few minutes later I got a voice message from him saying that He got his camera back from his shoe box... Which He kept in his suit case.....
Thanks a lot St Anthony....... pray for us always....
Dear St. Anthony,
My faith in you and the church was restored when i met my husband . Ever since we met i have faithfully visited your shrine to ask you to protect his life and pull him out of his financial burdens, but St.Anthony, he has only fallen into deeper into problems financial and life threatening.
Why have you turned a blind eye . If he was not meant for me then why was he brought into my life.i have lost all hope St. Anthony
Dear St Anthony you know my troubles and problems i am going through, i beg you St Anthony to help me urgently from all the problems, i participate and offer the holy mass for 13 Tuesday's as a thanksgiving and honor for the miraculous help you will definitely do for me, i am always grateful to you since you have helped me several times when i was in problem. O Miraculous Saint Anthony please please help me this time too as i am in deep financial trouble.
S A G,
St Anthony my husband had a stroke 3 years ago leaving his left side weak and unable to use left arm the shoulder is out of the socket and no muscle to hold in place. Please help him regain the use of his arm and stregthen his left leg. i will continue to pray the chaplet on Tuesdays Miraculous Saint Anthony please help me in this time as I really need your help.
Saint Anthony I believe in you so much. You always come through for us. We truly need your help now to relieve us of the financial stress. My husband has been so giving to others. He now needs help. Please Saint Anthony find a way to help us through Jesus. Please.
Saint Anthony, when I was in the store the other day and was talking to the clerk about Saints she mentioned that she felt closest to you. I told her that I also felt I was closest to you and praised you. After doing so, I got chills throughout my entire body and I knew it was you. When I got home I walked up to your statue I pray to everyday between St. Francis and Archangel Raphael.I took your extended hand and said: "You heard me praising you in the store didn't you?" I immediately got the same chills throughout my body again. You were clearly answering me. Twenty six years ago I asked you for a miracle with just one prayer and you provided me with the assistance I asked. I now need that same miracle again. I ask you to intercede by way of the Holy Trinity and help me in my time of desperation. Thank you and Amen.
Dear Saint Anthony,
I so need to sell my home. We have got to move this month. I have found a house that we can rent...we cannot afford to stay here. Oh dear Saint Anthony, will you help to. Fr. Peter says you are the saint of miracles and for this house to sell for what we need out of it will need a miracle. If you will help me, I will forever be in your debt and I will be a constant witness to your goodness and mercy. Thank you Saint Anthony...
I am in desperate situation none of them can help me in this situation, but from the past till date you have helped me with your miraculous power and intersession through our lord Jesus and Mother Mary whenever am in deep trouble, now i am in a deep financial trouble, am straight a way seeking your urgent help with all my hope, faith and trust in you, I'll surrender my problem to you and earnestly plead you to solve it, I'll be faithful to Our lord Jesus and Mother Mary and be a devotee to you throughout my life. Amen
Dearest Saint Antony,
Pls move all the circumstances and events to fall in place so that this marriage happens miraculously as everyone likes this proposal to the core but the unmatching horoscope is the only problem....I like this proposal so much....Oh! dear saint,the worker of miracles,pls do this miracle for us asap...............
Almighty Saint Anthony,
Please pray for me, I am suffering so much, financially. Heal my depression so I may live a full and happy life on earth. Please tell all the Saints, and Angles to spare my suffering.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Amen!
I am expecting miracles for family!
1. Gold ornaments redemption from muthoot fin corp.
2. Car release from tata motor finance limited.now.
3. New car for us.
4. Home purchase.
Other temperol needs
Prayer Intention: By VP D'SOUZA
Dear St Anthony and St Gemma,
I have lost the company's 3 hard disks and it was kept in my drawer and my pending salary dues of 4 months. St Anthony and St Gemma Galgani, I request you to please intercede for me so Lord Jesus will grant my intentions. I promise to help the poor and needy and also propogate what you and St Gemma had done on this earth to bring lost souls to the Heavenly Kingdom. Thankyou both for your powerful intention in this regard.
From: Melissa M D
Dear St Anthony, St Gemma,
Please pray for me that I will get a good tution teacher and Abba Father in Jesus name will grant me a high IQ to do well in my 10th standard. Also please pray for me that Lord Jesus will rekindle the Holy Spirit which I had received at baptism and he will grant me the Fruits nd Charism's of the Holy Spirit to do his work in his vineyard. Thankyou for interceding for my intentions.
Please St.Anthony pray for our father who has been in the hospital for nearly two months now as he is suffering from a liver disease .the doctors said it is incurable but through your help and prayer ..our father will be healed physically and spiritually..in Jesus name .Amen
St. Anthony pray for my cousin whom i lost 3 days back and today is 4th day. We are suffering without him, we did wrong, we are sinners. please arise him from death, give him a chance to live... Our only hope is jesus christ. please prayer for him and do the miracle. Lazarus who came back to life after his death in 4th day, we please you pray for my cousin in jesus name Amen.
Almighty St. Antony.. Please pray for me and my family...
Now I started believing in you and your miracles. Please get me a job as I wish... I need your prayers.. Help me all throughout my life.. I will be ever thankful to you. Please hear my prayers and I believe that u will do miracles in my life...
From Henna
St Anthony please pray for my baby Alec 5 yrs old to bring him back to me soon, he took by his auntie, also take care of him and in good health, i miss him so much I raised him since he was 2 yrs old, and he is an orphan, we love him, feed him, sent him to school, but now his relatives took him, just for money.
Please i want to talk to him soon, he's crying the we talked, he thought its only a vacation, her tita said that we dont have rights, i want to restore our family to be happy, peaceful home, and return alec to us soon.
Thank you I know you will grant my request St Anthony
In Jesus Name amen.
My late Mom lost her engagement ring while on honeymoon in Co Kerry.....on Banna beach. The following day my late Dad and Mom returned to Banna beach after many prayers to St Anthony. Ring was found. St Anthony has come to the rescue of the family several times since in locating missing items! Mom has passed on her devotion to the family and we all turn to him in our hour of need. Thanks St Anthony.
St Anthony has not failed me, he found a love one that was stranged and made way for the relationship to heal and the person to come back into my life.
Thank you St Anthony for helping me.Please continue to help me with this journey
St.Anthony please give my children lots of love, protect them from all dangers and give good education and make them good, loving person.Protect them, gaurd them and guide them. We have lost our god and not so much in prayers please with your help, I have faith that we will refurbish our faith. Please there be praises of god in our family. Change my husband, you are saint of Miracles please help me. change my husbands behaviour and temper.
Thank you Jesus, Thank you saint Anthony.
Dear St.Anthony, As you know today morning someone took something from me. I have to do so many pending payments. Please make that person return my thing. Please st.Anthony i need your help. Please help me. I feel that I will go in depression if I suffer silently. Please make haste and help me. I will pray to you every day.Thank you
Dear St Anthony, As you know I've been acting and feeling wrong and unloving for some time. Please restore some love and grace to my life, and help me move on. Thank you for your great faith and grace and miracles. I'm sorry I shut everyone and every thing out for so long. I want to pray for all my family, Please help me find the time and faith and patience, and please let me have some joy and confidence and energy again. I'm so sorry for all the wrong I have done, and for not listening when I should have. Please help me to be responsible and restore me, I can believe in God again because of saints like you. please help me to become someone more pleasing to God, and live a better life of love and faith, and to live with a happier faith and joy. Thank you for listening, and seeing everything. I'm very sorry, thank you for all the kindness you have shown, and the blessings that come from God.
Dear st anthony as you know I left my job in on 2013 June. After that I am a jobless but you showed me way to get job in Isreal as care taker. I haven given my interview on 9th of June 2016.. I have hope and faith on u . I will get my visa in ur blessing..in the name lord Jesus you will make this miracle in my life.. thank u Jesus thank you st Antony. .
Still praying to St Anthony for return of things, some of which lost accidentally, some perhaps wilfully. God bless you and God help us all.
I am also a witness of God's miracles through St Anthony, St. Anthony has proven it to me many times. One of the big things he's done for me was in January 2010, when I was visiting friends in Las Vegas and I lost my purse, containing cash, jewelry, credit and debit cards, at the Las Vegas airport. I was so desperate and miserable the moment I realized it was missing, as I have already been a victim of identity theft. I was sobbing at the terminal, makeup smeared all over my face. It was such a heavy and horrible feeling. I went to a corner and prayed and begged to St. Anthony to bring my purse back to me. After almost an hour of searching, I left the airport with a heavy heart. Just minutes after leaving, I received a call from the airport's lost and found office, and sure enough, St. Anthony let me know he had heard me loud and clear, when the caller said those sweet words, "We found your bag." , Everything was intact and there was nothing missing.
I been devoted to San Anthony since i was a little kid,When I was 10 years old trough his intercession he performed a miracle for my mom and I. Later he helped me find a job in one week . I left the catholic church for a while ,then I met my girlfriend, who is a devoted Catholic , she has had believe in Saint Anthony also, and lately through his intercession He answered our prayer, Saint Anthony always listen to the people who believe in Him , Lets all pray for our conversion , and all our needs to become better to God, Saint Anthony heard our prayers .
St Anthony please help me urgently and solve my problems, o miracle performer and wonder worker i surrender and submit all my problems and needs to your holy will, wish and intentions grant me the favors i so earnestly plead you through Divine Mercy , Infant Jesus, Mother Mary Amen.
Saint Anthony's Guide (S.A.G.)
Good Saint Anthony, please find a cozy and homey place in Honolulu, Hawaii for me and a nice car for travel to my work so that I am feeling better by reducing irritable bowel syndrome (I.B.S.). You are the miracle-worker who really listens to many humblest petition by holding Jesus as a sweet chilld. That sweet child can understand others and grant them wonderful miracles. They ever thank them in bottom of their hearts. Your gratitude of my bottom of my heart.
A big bouquet of thanks to our protector St.Antony who is there to help and guide us all through our life. We are a great devotee of St.Antony from our childhood. Our family attends the novena and seek blessings in all our ventures. Our saint has always helped us in the times of need especially when we lose our things that really matters for us. I am writing this as a thanksgiving in order to thank you for a great blessing that you have given us in three difficult situations in life.
1. We hail from Kerala and landed in Canada a month back with a hope for a promising tomorrow but unfortunately the start itself gave us a shock. We had left our bag with two laptops and some clothes at the airport itself and came to know of that only after a few days. Because we had left it near the conveyer belt, the chance of getting it back was really low...almost nil. We rushed to the place but could not meet the concerned person and thus had to come back. There was so much of pressure inside us as the laptops were costly and if we had lost it buying a new one will be unaffordable for us, it will also affect our job hunt here. We prayed day and night and finally as a blessing we could get the bag back with all its contents after 2 days and the first thing we got while opening the bag was the photo of Saint Antony that we had brought along with us. This was a breath taking moment for us and also it was the saint Antony showing us that miraculous presence. I strongly believe that St.Antony has answered our prayers so that we could use my laptop for typing this only because of your choicest blessings.
2. In another instance, my husband left his mobile in a public washroom and without noticing this we walked quite a long way....suddenly when he realized, we ran back to the place. All through the way while running I was praying to my saint to help us because it was the only mobile we were having also we had all our contacts and passwords and credentials saved in that. As a miracle it was found at the same place where he had kept it .This is again the blessings from the heaven above, I truly believe.
3.Today...We lost something far more important than the above mentioned two things...it was our SIN card which is very integral for immigrants like us .Without this nothing will be possible in a foreign country like Canada. We did not lose our hope...kept praying, within a few minutes of extensive search finally we found it safe. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and offer you our garland as you have saved us from very critical situations in life at a foreign land. Thank you once again for your blessings and I seek your presence in our life in the future too.
Up on the loud of our voice and the heights of our belief we proclaim our belief in Saint Antony and also will definitely spread this message across to everyone.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and bless us to live in peace &belief
Antony & Soumya ,
Dear Antony & Soumya,
Thanks so much for sharing the wonderful stories of St Anthony's remarkable intercession in your lives---thanks be to God!
I pray that St Anthony may always be very close to you, and may he lead you ever closer to Jesus.
Glenn Dallaire
St. Anthony, I am anxious with depression and no lust for life. Please intercede on my behalf. Help me grow in my faith. I am weary.
St. Anthony, I am anxious with depression and no lust for life. Please intercede on my behalf. Help me grow in my faith. I am weary.
Dear Saint Anthony, I am not hear to ask for material things. But yes, I did lost someone and I'm longing for him desperately. His presence and love for me was faded and his faith to God especially. He hates me when i pray for him. I know what i am asking needs a real miracle. I NEED YOUR HELP VERY BADLY to save this soul, my soulmate (N.A.P.) He is my desire my dreams my fantasies. I know this is what he's looking for as well. HE IS LOST in the path of the Lord as i am LOST without him. PLEASEEE..Keep him away from all EVILS & bad things in the world.
Oh.. Dear Saint Anthony..I would like him to come back to me to show the real meaning of love (humanity & spiritually). Offer all the love of the world, his dreams & his fantasies & that he would realize what he is looking for is ME. Please...Saint Anthony whisper to the infant Jesus to the God the Father and the holy Spirit AMEN> (his name is same as yours.) I BELIEVE IN MIRACLE.!
Dear St. Anthony,i pray in the name of Jesus for the conversion of Chad to Catholism for the sake of our son. Create in me a clean heart, patience and a heart full belief and faith. Touch him, oh Lord, touch him in the most profound way that he will bow down to you and acknowledge You as Lord. I pray through the intercession of St Anthony for this miracle. I ask though I am not worthy but because Jesus died on the cross for me. AMEN
Dear st Anthony, worker of miracles, i have a professional exam to write next week,please help me get an A in this exam, i know I don't deserve it but you are a saint of miracles, please whisper my petitions and worries to Jesus..Thank you God,Thank you st anthony
Dear, St. Anthony, Please help me with my marriage. I want my husband to be good, faithful and love me the way I am. You're the saint of miracles. Thanks God and St Anthony.A Y M A 08/13/1973
Dear Saint Antony , I saw you in my dream yesterday night.I dont know what to say ,My brother is lost since 17 years My dad is 92 years aged and expecting his son My mom is not doing well health wisely. You have to take care of these issues and take care of my family.You have to bring my brother back and save my family .I trust in you .
Dear Saint Anthony, please intercede for me. I believe that you make miracles happen. In 2015 I was diagnosed with cancer. I had surgery and chemotherapy and radiation. Scans show that I don't have cancer. Please help me that it doesn't come back. Also I have financial hardship and can never catch up in my bills. Help my family to be able to breath from all those bills. Especially to save our home. Let us be financially independent. We can never celebrate our children's birthdays. My daughter will be turning 15 soon help us to be able to celebrate it. To make that day special for her. Help my son find his way in life. To open his eyes and make better choices in life. Help my other son get into a good college and not to be so stressed w/tuition. Guide him into a good life. My youngest help hime w/his learning disability and his insecurities. Help him to become very intelligent and in sports and friends. Help my daughter in school and sports and friends. My husband help him not to be so stressed out help him w/his pains and worries. Open my mind to go back to school. But 1st help in that my social security gets approved. And please help this person I know who has stage 4 cancer get cured from it doctors don't give her much hope but I know w/your interception anything is possible. I pray for all the sick and all in need of miracles. Please help me and my family. Also help me find a buyer for this other property that has lions. So I could sell it, pay the lion and still have money left over. I trust in you that you'll help me with all my problems and worries.
Meant liens on house, and I pray for a successful second surgery.
Sunday 13 November at 11am I attended a friend's wedding ( Cholie ) together with my friends Jeannett, Nilda and Raquel. after the reception we all went to Nilda's house to have a cup of tea and a chat. It was after 9 pm when we parted ways. at 11.30pm Nilda phoned me about her wallet being missing. She said she put it in her make up bag and left it in her car, during the reception another friend ask her to move her car out of the driveway so the owner of the house could park his car in the inner parking. She then gave her car key to him asking him to move it for her.Then that night after she found out about her wallet being missing, She ask me if it's okay if she call him to ask whether he saw that wallet during that time, I told her to check in her car first but she said her husband had gone to work at that stage driving her car, so I said why don't you txt him first, ask him to check your wallet in the car. While waiting for her husband to reply I also asked her to pray to St. Anthony and I did the same for her.
The next morning She sent me txt telling me that her husband found her wallet in her car, She thank me for the prayer and to St. Anthony.
I smiled and said to St Anthony " You never failed me "
My name is Jennie Ruiz. I am writing my testimonial about St. Anthony's helo to find something. Years ago I was a seller on Ebay and I was waiting for a package in the mail that contained what I had sold to ship to customers. I kept on tracking the package for days. I then prayed to St. Anthony to please find the package for me, because I was about to have to refund hundreds of dollars back to buyers. That same day I got the package delivered to me, and all my buyers were super happy and everything went smoothly!! The package had been lost in transit and somehow was found!
This miracle that happened to me last night is nothing short of a miracle, divined intermission. My husband gave me a pair of diamond earrings for our 15th wedding anniversary last year. They were so special to me and they were also my only pair of real earrings (lol). A couple of months ago I fell asleep in them and in the middle of the night just took them off and put them on my nightstand. The next morning I was clearing out my nightstand and threw away some papers. I later remembered I had taken off my earrings and put them on the nightstand. When I went to get them one of them was missing. I was looking for them for months, praying to God everyday to find them. I also remembered the St. Anthony prayer that I had done back when my package was lost. A couple on months past, literally would look for them everyday and praying with so much faith. My daughter would find me looking for them and would say "mom you should stop looking for them, they are lost". So last night I was cleaning my room, moving furniture and all and still looking. In the process one of my nails needed filing. I remembered that sometimes I would keep a nail file in my purse, so I decided to look in one of my old purses, which was ripped in the inside and I have not used it in over a year. Guess what? I FOUND MY EARRINGS IN THE OLD PURSE! No only finding the earrings was a miracle, where I found them was unbelievable. That to me believe even more in miracles!! Sorry for the long testimonials, but I am just so happy and had to share my story and thank my Lord Jesus Christ and My favorite saint St. Anthony!!
I pray to saint Anthony always, Even For The Smallest Of Things I Ask His Help, Or If Im Trying To make a decision and im not sure im making the right choice i pray to saint anthony and saint Michael the archangel (My protector) for guidance if the think its the right decision or not, and believe it or not sometimes the things i wanted to do i never did because something else would come up to change those plans,, And i believe That was my 2 favourite saints helping and guiding me, saint Anthony has never failed me no matter what iv ever asked for from him, it. May take some time but he always answers me no matter what,, tonight i lay here in bed and k don't know what brought me here to write something but im here Doin it,, and i hope someone gets to read this and knows saint Anthony always listens he's such a beautiful saint i love him, iv had such a devotion to him ever since i was a young girl and i have faith no matter what saint Anthony will always help me in any way he can, at the moment im praying for the return of my ex boyfriend who i still love very much and for some reason even after everything we've been through in our relationship i believe we'll get the chance to be an item again, i Have faith in saint Anthony and once you believe Nothin is impossible when it comes to our lord and our lady and all there beautiful angels and saints godbless them,, i pray for the return of J into my life again and for the help to build a strong long lasting relationship with him i love him very much i always have, Thank you Saint Anthony for always being with me,, i love you,, amen xxxxxxxxxxx
I thank Jesus , Holy mother Mary and Saint Anthony for letting me find my fiance bracelet that i feared to loose
I have lived my life believing Nothing is impossible,through the intercession of blessed saint Anthony. I have received un-deservedly on countless occasions.
Presently I hope to start my graduate studies in September, and I applied for a Chevening scholarship, to help with the funding cost, the results for the second stage comes out soon and I humbly implore all anthonians and believers to pray for me, asking the good saint to help deliver my interview invite. I honestly need this opportunity.
My patron saint please come to my aid.
Dear Saint Anthony,
After many years of adversity in many facets of my life along with endless heartbreak....divine intervention finally kicked in. I reconnected with someone who became the love of my life. It was short lived and the ramifications of the breakup have been life changing both personally and professionally. I am now in counseling and medication just to be able to cope daily. My future living arrangements are completely unclear and I am desperate to become a mother.
You NEVER FAIL me when I lose an item, to the point where it amazes me how promptly you respond when I ask for your intercession. I understand people have free will and that affairs of the heart are likely to be more difficult for you to respond to....
However, I desperately ask for your intercession and selfishly request that M.A.is brought back into my life and we can rekindle a loving relationship resulting in marriage and a family. This is mt last attempt and hope that my lost love will realise his way back to me. You have never failed me and I pray that this request is no exception.
My heart and soul are broken but I have faith that you don't want this for me and will intercede so that I will be happy. Please allow him to realise my love for him and how happy both of us could be in a loving union. Please remove all obstacles to ensure that this loving reunion can occur. I believe that of all the saints, Saint Anthony can make this miracle happen to me.
Through the power of God via Saint Anthony I strongly pray and thank you Saint Anthony.
Dejar saint Anthony, please help me with this insomnia, I can't sleep without taking medication. You're the saint of miracles and I know the same way you helped me with my marriage you're going to help me with this situation, with you help and the intervention of God our father are goin to be fine. Thanks, AYM
This my first time praying or even reading about Saint Anthony but I cried threw every comment I'm not Catholic but have prayed Novenas before and I am in need of a Miracle today My Boyfriend has been gone for two months since the passing of his Grandmother which caused a already strain on our relationship which pushed him even further in despair and away from me and his child.I'm desperate to get our Family back.We had Marriage plans Vacations plans and just Future plans now we haven't spoken in a week and I miss him and our child misses him and needs him.our Relationship was not easy or perfect but no one walking this earth is.But I'm praying everyday and now I will add St Anthony. As I am lost without him we belong together .Saint Anthony Help me and Bryan find the Love and Respect,Loyalty and Commitment we once had for each other again.Tear down these walls between us whatever they are and please hear my cry I believe in your blessings.
Amen and Thank you
Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven.
Blessed Mother of the Son of God; Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity
Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother.
Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity...
To Completely and immediately Restore and lead Bryan back home to us.We miss him and end this Separation immediately Between us and our kids.Restore Love,Joy,Happiness,Loyalty,Compassion,and our Family.Remove Doubt,Ego's,Family curses,selfishness,old and bad habits,ex's,ill-willed people and situations,Pride,fears,obstacle and road blocks.Please pray that God will touch Bryan's heart and fill it with much love for me and make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. Pray for God’s mercy and blessings, and that God may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other in a committed and loving relationship. Pray that God will keep Bryan free of all temptations and guide him back into my loving arms permanently, and always put us in each others heart and mind. I ask this in the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
There are none that can withstand your power.
Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee
There are none that can withstand your power.
Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee
There are none that can withstand your power.
Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee
Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands
Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands
Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands
Dear Saint Anthony,
You are a miracle saint and I know with your intervention my daughter KMC will be accepted to MIT with a good financial aid. God our holy father and Saint Anthony please help my daughter. Amen.
Dear St. Anthony, Please bless my 3 children. Help them in their exams and to get good careers. Please grant them Divine guidance, protection and order. Help my hard working husband in matters of health and work. Help me to get over my fear of driving and to pass my driving test. Help me to get good work, with good pay. Help us to have money for the holidays and for sending my kids back to school.
Dear St Anthony. For the last one year I am facing lots of problems in life both legally and financially. I am jobless for the last one year and finding it difficult to lead the life with family. Please prayer for me to find a good job and resolve all the legal problems currently facing by me. I apologize for the mistakes I had committed knowingly or unknowingly
Yours Binu Mon
Dear St Anthony, Please pray for me to get a Job in a reputed company since my resume had forwarded to them.
Dear st anthony i lift up to you my son miguel pls. Guide him and nurture him. Help him to have good school in 11th grade and in college. He is a good boy. Guide on his career. May you always guide him to enjoy life with reverence to the Lord. I also lift up to you my 2 daughters Dannie and Gabbie pls. Protect them. Mama Mary always be with them cover them with your precious mantle and Jesus pour your most precious nlood to them. I offer you my sufferings and my life for the safety and future of my children. Marami pong salamat.
My wife and I were going to the local store when I noticed a poison trap for rats had something in it. It was a kitten, barely weaned, he had wandered into the trap. I opened the trap, and the kitten immediately had a siezure and was very weak. We took him to the veterinary clinic, where they told us he had brain damage - probably from the poison, and he also tested positive for feline enteritis, - there was really very little hope for him but they admitted him. That night we prayed hard to St Francis - but strangely every time I tried to say St Francis I kept saying St Anthony. Finally I prayed hard to both St Francis and St Anthony - having no idea until I read your article that they had known each other in life, and that St Anthony is the Patron Saint of lost things. The kitten was lost in every way possible, alone and very seriously ill. Now after six days, the kitten is much stronger, and is very loving. His symptoms of brain damage have almost completely disappeared, and he has NO symptoms of feline enteritis. My faith has been very weak lately, but this has restored my faith completely. Thank you St Francis and St Anthony.
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you so much for sharing this heartwarming and inspiring story! Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints! St Francis and St Anthony, pray for us.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
Almighty God descent the Holy Spirit on my younger daughter and give her a good life partner to marry her early and also on my elder daughter, so that she may conceive and give birth to health children through the intercession of Miraculous St. Anthony.
Abba Father descent the Holy Spirit on me and grant me good health, happiness, progress, prosperity and peace and help me financially by giving me first prizes of lotteries, donation coupons to clear my/our loans and to do other pending work through the intercession of Miraculous St. Anthony. Amen!
Dear St Antony of Padua, Thank you for all the answered prayers and also thank you for everything.
Dear St. Antony, I'm lost, I'm hopeless but in you I know that I'll find strength and hope. My you help me o dear St. of God to find back my stolen items. Let the thiefs be confused, may they not know what to do with the items they stole from me, they did this in darkness but may they be found in light. U did help me find my lost crucifix after four years in the lake, this will never be impossible to u. I pray, hope and believe. Amen
Dear st Anthony thankyu for helping me find my lost keys. Please St. Anthony help Me find my friend Kelvin then I won't disturb you again many times.Humbly interceed for Me to Jesus I don't want to lose my friend I also keep him in your care. Amen
Dear Saint Anthony. I lost my glasses and a little pouch that I carry my medicine and Oxometer in. Please help me find them. I pray for your help. Amen.
Thank you Saint Anthony.. on month back my friend lost his bracelet which me an d my sister presented it to him.. three days back he tol me he lost it.. from that moment I interceed to Saint Anthony.. and yesterday night he found the bracelet.. saint anthony showed the bracelet in his eyes.. thank you so much.. love you jesus..
My wife's wedding ring lost in the mud while washing clothes . we tried so much searching in the mud for whole day but not got it. At last we lost hope. My wife was full of tension because it was a wedding ring which was blessed in front of st Anthony statue in st Anthony church. Next day morning we lighted candles in st Anthony church and attended mass and prayed. After came home from church we again started searching the ring. By st. Anthony miracle i found the ring just for one trial. Thank you st Anthony so much love you Jesus.
dear st Anthony i have too problem as you know about the same while traveling
Please help me to travel safely home without any problem to attend Christmas & your feast
in jan.
Thank you St.Anthony for finding my lost things. Praise the Lord. Praise St.Anthony. You always answer my prayers. Thank you very much. My Gratitude
Thank you St. Anthony for finding more than my lost things.
I had to whip the cream to make butter and was not finding the whipping blade. searched for an entire day but couldn’t find. So thought of using alternate devices but that didn’t help. A small whipping blade mattered so much. So after all these tedious efforts, I prayed to St. Anthony. Much to my surprise, instantly I found it in the usual place. So as thanksgiving, I decided to spend 10 minutes with St. Anthony & sat down in His presence. I was reminded of a rosary which was touched to His Holy Relic and blessed (which I wasn’t regularly using). He got me to say a rosary to Mother Mary. From then I continue to use the same rosary daily to say rosary and carry with me wherever I go. This testimony may look silly. But it is very important for me because St. Anthony connected me back to the blessed rosary through which I get guidance, revelation and protection. I prayed for whipping blade, He got me connected to Mama Mary through rosary.
Thank you St. Anthony.
Dear Saint Anthony (S.A.G)
You you always help me to find lost objects, even if they are day-to-day nonsense. What I come to ask for is not an object but a loved one. A few months ago I met a man, we had a very nice connection and I fell in love. He has personal difficulties and decided to finish everything because he feels confused, I am still very much in love and I feel that there can be a beautiful relationship of love. I feel lonely and I ask you please a second chance with him, please make him open his heart and his eyes to me, that he remembers the love that he had towards me and that an opportunity of love can be born in us. Help him with his weaknesses and sorrows, give him strength and guide him. Please make M find that love again for me, I know there is still something special. Please help us with communication I don’t want to lose contact with him, we still talk but we both are very shy, make grow the communication between us. I am so sad and lost, intercede for me this petition to the Child Jesus. Let me see him once again and let him see me with eyes of love and opportunity of something beautiful. I love you Saint Anthony and thank you for always listening to me. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Dear Saint Anthony help _Mm find me again, restore on us the possibility of love that there was when we met. We had such a connection and then obstacles and confusion set in our way. Specially in his mind and soul, please let him heal, guide him, let his fears and doubts disappear. Please I beg you intercede for us, that he can find the hope and love he had for me. Guide his heart to mine again. Please a second chance it’s all I ask. I will bring you a Sunflower and a Lily to your statue as gratitude for your help and I will always be devoted to you, guide me in the way of God always. Thank you Saint Anthony.
I am grateful to St. Anthony. He has never failed me.I love you St. Anthony.
Some years ago, I lost one leg of a shoe. i was gonna be in trouble if I didn't find it. i prayed to St. Anthony and I found it lying across the courtyard in the strangest way possible. Please St. Anthony return Agnes to my side, I pray thee.
St Anthony please help me urgently and solve my problems, O miracle performer and wonder worker I surrender and submit all my problems and needs to your holy will, wish and intentions grant me the favours I so earnestly.I plead you through Divine mercy and mother mary, infant jesus. Amen
Saint Anthony is my favorite saint and patron saint. All my prayers are answered so far.Nothing is impossible with him.The most memorable one,is after completing my postgraduate degree in medicine, I got posting to GH in my native place, without giving any bribe.All my colleagues and friends were posted in far away places. Thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for giving such a wonderful saint as our guide, protector, friend and father. A friend whom we can count and rely always.... Thank you dear Saint Anthony...
You accused a poor maide. Whether you pray or not, the bracelet is just sitting under the bed for a long time.
Saint Anthony, I have been praying to you since August,2020, to intercede to Our Lord Jesus, for my daughter's job.She is trying her best but till now nothing has come her way.Both she and I are very depressed.She wants to do a good job for a few years and then proceed for MS but there is no light of hope.Please, Saint Anthony do something so that our trust in your miraculous powers remain forever as before and we can follow your example of helping the poor.Please answer our ardent prayers and procure a suitable job for my daughter.I promise to offer a Novena and be devoted to you as long as I live.Thank you for listening to me earlier and hope you will help me again.In the name of Our Lord Jesus,Amen.
I have been praying to St Anthony ever since I got to know him and surely Everytime I call unto him, he answers and intercedes on my behalf!!! Of recent I happened to loose my phoneğŸ˜, I was broken I remember crying my eyes out but then I remembered St.Anthony, I borrowed a phone from a friend, I got the miraculous pray and I called him, people, suddenly something told me o would get my phone! We looked for the phone and the man that had stolen it brought back! I was so happy, I couldn't believe tht it was possible!!! As if tht was not enough, my mother was a victim of fraud, someone robbed her all the money she had, her small business was at the verge of collapsing,she called me told me how depressed she was, I got st.anthonys novena and fasted while reciting the novena twice a day at 3:am and 3,:pm! Each time I would request him to manifest God's presence in mummy's business n wash away the depression! After the novena of 9 days, I feared to call my mum but after like 4days, mummy called me and told me tht she had got financial assistance ! And tht her business would not callapse because she had got help! I was very happy, I wanted to stop and tell everyone on the way about the goodness of God and the works of St. Anthony!!! Because of St Anthony my faith was renewed, I cannot thank him enough for always interceding for me!!!
hi yes I am also the closest Gemma Galganni to me
I love both Saints and find this website amazing and beautiful. Thank you and God Bless You. Melissa
God Bless All & keep close to one's ♥Heart ♥ these joyful miraculous stories
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