Bilocation in the lives of the Saints
Bilocation (sometimes hyphenated as bi-location) is a special gift of God where an individual can be in two places at once. God always uses this gift for acts of mercy or charity to be performed by the Saint, in circumstances where it is physically impossible for the Saint to be present under normal circumstances.
While the gift of bi-location has been given to countless saints. Probably one of the most frequent and documented accounts occurred relatively recently in the extraordinary life of the beloved St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968).
Bilocation (sometimes hyphenated as bi-location) is a special gift of God where an individual can be in two places at once. God always uses this gift for acts of mercy or charity to be performed by the Saint, in circumstances where it is physically impossible for the Saint to be present under normal circumstances.
While the gift of bi-location has been given to countless saints. Probably one of the most frequent and documented accounts occurred relatively recently in the extraordinary life of the beloved St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968).
Extraordinary examples of the gift of bi-location in the life of St Pio:
In the April 2008 issue of “Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry” newsletter published by Padre Pio Devotions we read of an account of the extraordinary appearance of St Pio in America.
Ellie Hunt’s family came from Padre Pio’s hometown of Pietrelcina and had known Padre Pio from his childhood. They eventually emigrated from Italy to New York. In 1960, when Ellie was 31 years old her grandfather, Jack Crafa became gravely ill. Ellie and her parents lived close to his home in Flushing, New York and during his grave illness, the family stayed by his side. When Jack eventually fell into a coma, they all knew that his life was soon passing.
One day while Ellie and her parents were at her grandfather’s bedside, a stranger knocked at the door. They were all surprised to see a Capuchin monk dressed in a dark brown habit, because there were no Capuchin monks in their Parish or in any other parish in the area for that matter. They were also surprised to see that he was wearing sandals without any socks, because it was a particularly cold day and snow covered the ground. The monk said that he had come to pray for her grandfather. Ellie was also a bit upset, because she thought that the parish priest should have come to pray for her grandfather, and not a complete stranger. However, she was soon impressed by the kindness and compassion of the young monk.
He then went straight into her grandfathers bedroom and blessed Jack Crafa. Then told the family to pray the Rosary suggesting that they sit at Jack’s side, praying the Hail Mary close to his ear, for he seemed to have the opinion that Jack was still able to hear. After the monk said that, Ellie was surprised to find that when she took her grandfather’s hand in hers, she felt a response from a very slight squeeze from his hand.
The young Capuchin then gave Ellie’s grandfather the Last Sacraments, then he blessed the family and bid them goodbye. As he walked out the front door, Ellie’s father, James noticed that there was no car waiting for him outside. James watched him as he walked up the street until he disappeared in the darkness. Jack Crafa died that very night. He had been in a coma for nine days.
After the unknown monk had left, Ellie’s father James became pale and appeared quite shaken. Ellie’s mother Lucy, asked him for the reason.”Don’t you know who that was?” James replied, “It was Padre Pio. He came to give the Last Rites to your father and he looked exactly like I remember him when I used to deliver eggs to him in Pietrelcina.”
For Ellie’s grandfather Jack had been one of Padre Pio’s spiritual sons from Pietrelcina and through a special grace God Padre Pio had come to comfort and encourage him, and to administer the last Sacraments of the Church, for his death was only hours away.
[Source "Pray, Hope and Don't Worry" newsletter, April 2008, published by Padre Pio Devotions]
More examples of bilocation in the life of St Padre Pio
[The primary source for this section is "Padre Pio- The Stigmatist" by Rev Charles Mortimer Carty, Radio Replies Press, 2nd ed.]Signora Concetta Bellarmini of S. Vito Lanciano declares that she was suddenly stricken with a blood infection followed by bronchial pneumonia with a very high fever. She was reduced to such a state that the doctors despaired of ever saving her. The flesh had become yellow from the infection which had spread throughout her body.
A relative urged her to direct her prayers to Padre Pio. She prayed to him whom she has never seen, when suddenly in full daylight a stigmatized monk appeared to her and smiling blessed her without touching her as he stood in the middle of the room. The woman asked him if his appearance signified the grace for the conversion of her children, or else the grace for her physical cure. Then Padre answered, "Sunday morning you will be cured," then he vanished from the room, leaving an odor of perfume which the servant girl also smelt. After this visit her flesh turned normal color, the fever ceased and in a few days her health was completely restored. She went with her brother to San Giovanni Rotondo to see if Padre Pio was the one who appeared to her. When she arrived at the Monastery and saw Padre Pio in the church she turned to her brother and said, "There he is, he is the one."
Signor Bugarini Arturo of Ancona was urged by friends to turn to Padre Pio for the cure of his boy. Whilst he was standing near the bedside of his critically ill son he felt three consecutive taps on his shoulder, whilst a voice said: "I am Padre Pio, I am Padre Pio, I am Padre Pio." At the same time he felt all over his body a wave of heat as if he were next to an intense flame, then all of a sudden it ceased. This visit of Padre Pio restored the health of the son. Father and son visited the monastery to thank Padre Pio for the miraculous cure and the spiritual conversion of the father and all the Bugarini family.
On July 20, 1921, a Monsignor D'Indico of Florence, whom this author met in 1923 when studying theology at the Archbishop's Seminary at Florence, was alone in his study. He felt the sensation of having someone at his back. He turned and saw a monk who disappeared. He left his quarters to tell a chaplain what happened. The chaplain thought it was mere hallucination due to his actual state of anxiety over his sister, who was very ill. He invited him to take a short walk for mental distraction.
When they returned they called at the sick room. His sister who a little before was in the state of coma, at the same hour as when her brother felt the sensation of being in the presence of Padre Pio, narrated that she had seen a monk enter her room who approached her and said:
"Don't be afraid, tomorrow your fever will disappear and after a few days there will be no trace of your illness on your body."
In the April 2008 issue of “Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry” newsletter published by Padre Pio Devotions we read of an account of the extraordinary appearance of St Pio in America.
Ellie Hunt’s family came from Padre Pio’s hometown of Pietrelcina and had known Padre Pio from his childhood. They eventually emigrated from Italy to New York. In 1960, when Ellie was 31 years old her grandfather, Jack Crafa became gravely ill. Ellie and her parents lived close to his home in Flushing, New York and during his grave illness, the family stayed by his side. When Jack eventually fell into a coma, they all knew that his life was soon passing.
One day while Ellie and her parents were at her grandfather’s bedside, a stranger knocked at the door. They were all surprised to see a Capuchin monk dressed in a dark brown habit, because there were no Capuchin monks in their Parish or in any other parish in the area for that matter. They were also surprised to see that he was wearing sandals without any socks, because it was a particularly cold day and snow covered the ground. The monk said that he had come to pray for her grandfather. Ellie was also a bit upset, because she thought that the parish priest should have come to pray for her grandfather, and not a complete stranger. However, she was soon impressed by the kindness and compassion of the young monk.
He then went straight into her grandfathers bedroom and blessed Jack Crafa. Then told the family to pray the Rosary suggesting that they sit at Jack’s side, praying the Hail Mary close to his ear, for he seemed to have the opinion that Jack was still able to hear. After the monk said that, Ellie was surprised to find that when she took her grandfather’s hand in hers, she felt a response from a very slight squeeze from his hand.
The young Capuchin then gave Ellie’s grandfather the Last Sacraments, then he blessed the family and bid them goodbye. As he walked out the front door, Ellie’s father, James noticed that there was no car waiting for him outside. James watched him as he walked up the street until he disappeared in the darkness. Jack Crafa died that very night. He had been in a coma for nine days.
After the unknown monk had left, Ellie’s father James became pale and appeared quite shaken. Ellie’s mother Lucy, asked him for the reason.”Don’t you know who that was?” James replied, “It was Padre Pio. He came to give the Last Rites to your father and he looked exactly like I remember him when I used to deliver eggs to him in Pietrelcina.”
For Ellie’s grandfather Jack had been one of Padre Pio’s spiritual sons from Pietrelcina and through a special grace God Padre Pio had come to comfort and encourage him, and to administer the last Sacraments of the Church, for his death was only hours away.
[Source "Pray, Hope and Don't Worry" newsletter, April 2008, published by Padre Pio Devotions]

[The primary source for this section is "Padre Pio- The Stigmatist" by Rev Charles Mortimer Carty, Radio Replies Press, 2nd ed.]Signora Concetta Bellarmini of S. Vito Lanciano declares that she was suddenly stricken with a blood infection followed by bronchial pneumonia with a very high fever. She was reduced to such a state that the doctors despaired of ever saving her. The flesh had become yellow from the infection which had spread throughout her body.
A relative urged her to direct her prayers to Padre Pio. She prayed to him whom she has never seen, when suddenly in full daylight a stigmatized monk appeared to her and smiling blessed her without touching her as he stood in the middle of the room. The woman asked him if his appearance signified the grace for the conversion of her children, or else the grace for her physical cure. Then Padre answered, "Sunday morning you will be cured," then he vanished from the room, leaving an odor of perfume which the servant girl also smelt. After this visit her flesh turned normal color, the fever ceased and in a few days her health was completely restored. She went with her brother to San Giovanni Rotondo to see if Padre Pio was the one who appeared to her. When she arrived at the Monastery and saw Padre Pio in the church she turned to her brother and said, "There he is, he is the one."
Signor Bugarini Arturo of Ancona was urged by friends to turn to Padre Pio for the cure of his boy. Whilst he was standing near the bedside of his critically ill son he felt three consecutive taps on his shoulder, whilst a voice said: "I am Padre Pio, I am Padre Pio, I am Padre Pio." At the same time he felt all over his body a wave of heat as if he were next to an intense flame, then all of a sudden it ceased. This visit of Padre Pio restored the health of the son. Father and son visited the monastery to thank Padre Pio for the miraculous cure and the spiritual conversion of the father and all the Bugarini family.
On July 20, 1921, a Monsignor D'Indico of Florence, whom this author met in 1923 when studying theology at the Archbishop's Seminary at Florence, was alone in his study. He felt the sensation of having someone at his back. He turned and saw a monk who disappeared. He left his quarters to tell a chaplain what happened. The chaplain thought it was mere hallucination due to his actual state of anxiety over his sister, who was very ill. He invited him to take a short walk for mental distraction.
When they returned they called at the sick room. His sister who a little before was in the state of coma, at the same hour as when her brother felt the sensation of being in the presence of Padre Pio, narrated that she had seen a monk enter her room who approached her and said:
"Don't be afraid, tomorrow your fever will disappear and after a few days there will be no trace of your illness on your body."
"But Padre," she answered, "are you then a saint?"
"No, I am only a creature who serves the Lord through His mercies.""Let me kiss your habit, Padre."
"Kiss the sign of the passion," and he showed his hands transfixed and bleeding.
"Padre, I recommend to you my husband and child."
"Pray, pray that you will be good and be assured that your child will be under my protection," and blessing her he vanished.
She immediately got better and in eight days was entirely cured.
His opinion on the recognition of bilocation
One day a monk who was speaking about the bilocation of St. Anthony of Padua who miraculously appeared in Lisbon, said to Padre Pio: "Perhaps these privileged of the Lord do not even know when their bilocation occurs:'Padre Pio quickly interrupting him as one who is experienced with such events answered: "Certainly they know. They cannot know if the body or the soul moves, but they are very conscious of what happens and they know where they are going."
St Pio miraculously appears to a General
While World War I was raging throughout Europe, one day General Cadorna, a General in the Italian Army, was in his study during the war and in deep study he held his head in his hands, thinking of all the young men who, for the love of country would have to give up their lives, when suddenly he smelt a very strong perfume odor of roses which was wafted around the room. Raising his venerable head, he was stupefied to see a monk with a seraphic look and with bleeding hands. Passing in front of him, the monk said, "Be calm, they will not do anything harmful to you."
With the disappearance of the monk, the general no longer smelled the perfume. He told a Franciscan friend about the vision and when he mentioned the perfume the Franciscan said, "Your excellency, you have seen Padre Pio." Then he told the general all about Padre Pio. The general decided to visit San Giovanni and when he arrived there incognito, he was immediately approached by two Capuchins, who had recognized the general even though he was trying to disguise himself in civilian clothing. They approached him and said, "Your Excellency, Padre Pio is waiting for you. He sent us to meet you."
St Pio appears leaves the imprint of his stigmatized hand on a bed sheet
Emma Meneghello, a very pious young girl of 14, was afflicted with epilepsy which threw her into fits several times a week. One afternoon whilst in prayer, Padre Pio appeared to her and placed his hand on the bed sheet, then smiled and vanished. The cured epileptic arose to kiss the place where the Padre had placed his hand and she noticed a cross of blood left on the sheet. A small square cut of the sheet with the blood stains is conserved today in a glass picture frame. "Through the intercession of Padre Pio," writes this miraculously cured girl, "I have obtained other graces, especially for dying babies."
Padre Pio appears and cures a dying man
Mrs. Ersilia Magurno, a woman of great faith, for two months was taking care of her husband, who was stricken with influenza. This illness would not have given alarm were it not that he was also affiicted with a very weak heart. Night and day helped by a nun, the wife was watching her husband with every possible care, whilst praying and invoking Padre Pio. He grew worse and the doctors advised that the last rites be given to him because of the very alarming failure of his heart.
One night the wife noticed in the room a strong perfume of flowers. The next morning, however, a worse condition prevailed and the dying man was approaching his end. A telegram begged Padre Pio's intercession. Two days later Mr. Magurno entered the state of coma. The wife did not give up hope and sent a second telegram. Finally the 27th of Feb., 1947, the sick man after a day of prolonged crisis fell asleep. The nun was away and the wife remained alone to watch him and at midnight she noticed that his sleep was more restful than usual. At 7:30 in the morning, noticing that he was awakening, she rushed to his side and said, "How do you feel?"
"I am cured, I am well. Padre Pio just left the room; open the window please and take my temperature." It was entirely normal.
"Ernesto," asked the astonished wife, anxious to hear and to know. "What are you saying? Have you seen Padre Pio? And what, did he tell you?"
“He came together with another monk, he examined my heart and said, 'This fever will go away, tomorrow you will be cured and within four days you can get up.' “Padre Pio looked around, examined the medicines, read the medical reports and remained in the room all night." To confirm this miracle a strong odor of violets was observed in the room.
Five months later on July 27 the couple went to San Giovanni and Mr. Magurno immediately recognized Padre Pio as the monk who cured him. Padre Pio received him with fond greetings and placing his hand on his shoulder said to him: "How much this heart has made you suffer."
"Go away child for you have been cured"
We must not think that Padre Pio arrives always unexpectedly at the bedside of the sick, for at times he announced in advance the time of his coming. Once a little sick girl told her parents the approximate hour of his arrival, and the parents in their simplicity not understanding the phenomenon went to meet him at the railroad station. When they returned to the child disappointed, they found her asleep.
"Padre Pio didn't come," her mother said sadly, as soon as she saw her waking.
"Why he just left!," the child answered. A young girl, cured also providentially from a grave infirmity, desired to test the power of Padre Pio and she came to him feigning the infirmity that once afflicted her.
“Go away child," he said, striking her jokingly on the shoulder, "go away for you are quite cured and be careful that you never again tempt the mercy of the Lord."
He miraculously appears to baptise a baby as promised
A couple from Genoa visited Padre Pio to sadly tell him that they had no children.
"Bring him to me to be baptized when he is born," was his answer. From this reply and many other similar ones we discover that Padre Pio was often able to foretell the sex of an unborn child.
The following year the fortunate couple returned with their baby boy, but in the Church of Our Lady of Graces there was no baptismal font and there was such a crowd in the church that they could not reach Padre Pio. The mother remained in the Parish House of San Giovanni Rotondo one mile away, whilst the father went to the monastery to protest that Padre Pio had invited them to come there, otherwise they would not have come. He waited and his wait was in vain. He returned to the Parish House to learn from his wife that even though Padre Pio at the time specified was very preoccupied with the people had come and baptized the baby.
Padre Pio miraculously appears and rescues a condemned woman
"Kiss the sign of the passion," and he showed his hands transfixed and bleeding.
"Padre, I recommend to you my husband and child."
"Pray, pray that you will be good and be assured that your child will be under my protection," and blessing her he vanished.
She immediately got better and in eight days was entirely cured.

One day a monk who was speaking about the bilocation of St. Anthony of Padua who miraculously appeared in Lisbon, said to Padre Pio: "Perhaps these privileged of the Lord do not even know when their bilocation occurs:'Padre Pio quickly interrupting him as one who is experienced with such events answered: "Certainly they know. They cannot know if the body or the soul moves, but they are very conscious of what happens and they know where they are going."
St Pio miraculously appears to a General
While World War I was raging throughout Europe, one day General Cadorna, a General in the Italian Army, was in his study during the war and in deep study he held his head in his hands, thinking of all the young men who, for the love of country would have to give up their lives, when suddenly he smelt a very strong perfume odor of roses which was wafted around the room. Raising his venerable head, he was stupefied to see a monk with a seraphic look and with bleeding hands. Passing in front of him, the monk said, "Be calm, they will not do anything harmful to you."
With the disappearance of the monk, the general no longer smelled the perfume. He told a Franciscan friend about the vision and when he mentioned the perfume the Franciscan said, "Your excellency, you have seen Padre Pio." Then he told the general all about Padre Pio. The general decided to visit San Giovanni and when he arrived there incognito, he was immediately approached by two Capuchins, who had recognized the general even though he was trying to disguise himself in civilian clothing. They approached him and said, "Your Excellency, Padre Pio is waiting for you. He sent us to meet you."

Emma Meneghello, a very pious young girl of 14, was afflicted with epilepsy which threw her into fits several times a week. One afternoon whilst in prayer, Padre Pio appeared to her and placed his hand on the bed sheet, then smiled and vanished. The cured epileptic arose to kiss the place where the Padre had placed his hand and she noticed a cross of blood left on the sheet. A small square cut of the sheet with the blood stains is conserved today in a glass picture frame. "Through the intercession of Padre Pio," writes this miraculously cured girl, "I have obtained other graces, especially for dying babies."
Padre Pio appears and cures a dying man
Mrs. Ersilia Magurno, a woman of great faith, for two months was taking care of her husband, who was stricken with influenza. This illness would not have given alarm were it not that he was also affiicted with a very weak heart. Night and day helped by a nun, the wife was watching her husband with every possible care, whilst praying and invoking Padre Pio. He grew worse and the doctors advised that the last rites be given to him because of the very alarming failure of his heart.
One night the wife noticed in the room a strong perfume of flowers. The next morning, however, a worse condition prevailed and the dying man was approaching his end. A telegram begged Padre Pio's intercession. Two days later Mr. Magurno entered the state of coma. The wife did not give up hope and sent a second telegram. Finally the 27th of Feb., 1947, the sick man after a day of prolonged crisis fell asleep. The nun was away and the wife remained alone to watch him and at midnight she noticed that his sleep was more restful than usual. At 7:30 in the morning, noticing that he was awakening, she rushed to his side and said, "How do you feel?"
"I am cured, I am well. Padre Pio just left the room; open the window please and take my temperature." It was entirely normal.
"Ernesto," asked the astonished wife, anxious to hear and to know. "What are you saying? Have you seen Padre Pio? And what, did he tell you?"
“He came together with another monk, he examined my heart and said, 'This fever will go away, tomorrow you will be cured and within four days you can get up.' “Padre Pio looked around, examined the medicines, read the medical reports and remained in the room all night." To confirm this miracle a strong odor of violets was observed in the room.
Five months later on July 27 the couple went to San Giovanni and Mr. Magurno immediately recognized Padre Pio as the monk who cured him. Padre Pio received him with fond greetings and placing his hand on his shoulder said to him: "How much this heart has made you suffer."
"Go away child for you have been cured"
We must not think that Padre Pio arrives always unexpectedly at the bedside of the sick, for at times he announced in advance the time of his coming. Once a little sick girl told her parents the approximate hour of his arrival, and the parents in their simplicity not understanding the phenomenon went to meet him at the railroad station. When they returned to the child disappointed, they found her asleep.
"Padre Pio didn't come," her mother said sadly, as soon as she saw her waking.
"Why he just left!," the child answered. A young girl, cured also providentially from a grave infirmity, desired to test the power of Padre Pio and she came to him feigning the infirmity that once afflicted her.
“Go away child," he said, striking her jokingly on the shoulder, "go away for you are quite cured and be careful that you never again tempt the mercy of the Lord."

A couple from Genoa visited Padre Pio to sadly tell him that they had no children.
"Bring him to me to be baptized when he is born," was his answer. From this reply and many other similar ones we discover that Padre Pio was often able to foretell the sex of an unborn child.
The following year the fortunate couple returned with their baby boy, but in the Church of Our Lady of Graces there was no baptismal font and there was such a crowd in the church that they could not reach Padre Pio. The mother remained in the Parish House of San Giovanni Rotondo one mile away, whilst the father went to the monastery to protest that Padre Pio had invited them to come there, otherwise they would not have come. He waited and his wait was in vain. He returned to the Parish House to learn from his wife that even though Padre Pio at the time specified was very preoccupied with the people had come and baptized the baby.
Padre Pio miraculously appears and rescues a condemned woman
In a city of central Italy a teacher and ex-secretary of a Fascist organization was accused of having furnished arms and bombs to the Fascisti, who perpetrated an explosion that killed military and civilians. But the teacher was innocent. Taken by force from her home to be tried and shot she succeeded in bringing with her a Rosary and a photograph of Padre Pio. They conducted her to observe the destruction and to see the spectacle of the dead whose death they attributed to her. They then brought her to the place of execution.
Meanwhile some members of the firing squad entered her home with the pretext of searching for arms. Instead they began stealing money, objects of gold, clothing, until all of a sudden there thundered a shout, "Enough," so resolutely and imperiously that the soldiers fled abandoning their loot.
The sister of the condemned girl watching the whole scene cringing in a corner recognized in the shouting of "Enough," the voice of Padre Pio.
The order to aim and fire had been suspended because of the arrival of an interminable column of armored cars, horses, cannon, ambulances and marching troops. The commander of the firing squad remained standing on a car as if hypnotized.
The young teacher could hardly breathe as she reflected that her hour would come when the last soldier passed by. She began to pray to Padre Pio for the grace of seeing God's will in her execution. A gentleman approached her and asked what they had decided to do with her.
“I don't know, I no longer know anything, they are all away, there is only the commander there," as she pointed him out with a facial expression full of horror.
He was motionless as if cemented to his post. “Then consider yourself free and come with me."
He brought her in his automobile to her home where many women were comforting her griefstricken sister. The condemned girl threw herself into her sister's arms and then taking a picture of Padre Pio from the wall, kissed it and pressed it to her heart. In that instant she felt a hand gently patting her cheek.
A few months later the teacher went to San Giovanni to thank her saviour.
“Padre," she said, “my life will not be enough to thank you." He said: “My child, how much your faith caused me to run."
-St Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for us!
A few quotes and sayings of Padre Pio:
"Prayer is the best weapon we possess. It is the key that opens the heart of God."
"Love our Lady and make her loved; always recite the Rosary and recite it as often as possible."
"You must always humble yourself lovingly before God and before men, because God speaks only to those who are truly humble and He enriches them with His gifts."
"Humility and purity are the wings which carry us to God and make us almost divine."
"Hold on tightly to the Rosary. Be very grateful to the Madonna because it was she who gave us Jesus."
"The Rosary is a special weapon for these times in which we are living"
"Love Jesus, love Him very much, but to do this, be ready to love sacrifice more."
"Imagine Jesus crucified in your arms and on your chest, and say a hundred times as you kiss His chest, "This is my hope, the living source of my happiness; this is the heart of my soul; nothing will ever separate me from His love."
"Stay with me, Lord, for as poor as my soul is I want it to be a place of consolation for You.."
Meanwhile some members of the firing squad entered her home with the pretext of searching for arms. Instead they began stealing money, objects of gold, clothing, until all of a sudden there thundered a shout, "Enough," so resolutely and imperiously that the soldiers fled abandoning their loot.
The sister of the condemned girl watching the whole scene cringing in a corner recognized in the shouting of "Enough," the voice of Padre Pio.
The order to aim and fire had been suspended because of the arrival of an interminable column of armored cars, horses, cannon, ambulances and marching troops. The commander of the firing squad remained standing on a car as if hypnotized.
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St Padre Pio celebrating Holy Mass & Eucharist |
“I don't know, I no longer know anything, they are all away, there is only the commander there," as she pointed him out with a facial expression full of horror.
He was motionless as if cemented to his post. “Then consider yourself free and come with me."
He brought her in his automobile to her home where many women were comforting her griefstricken sister. The condemned girl threw herself into her sister's arms and then taking a picture of Padre Pio from the wall, kissed it and pressed it to her heart. In that instant she felt a hand gently patting her cheek.
A few months later the teacher went to San Giovanni to thank her saviour.
“Padre," she said, “my life will not be enough to thank you." He said: “My child, how much your faith caused me to run."
-St Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for us!
A few quotes and sayings of Padre Pio:
"Prayer is the best weapon we possess. It is the key that opens the heart of God."
"Love our Lady and make her loved; always recite the Rosary and recite it as often as possible."
"You must always humble yourself lovingly before God and before men, because God speaks only to those who are truly humble and He enriches them with His gifts."
"Humility and purity are the wings which carry us to God and make us almost divine."
"Hold on tightly to the Rosary. Be very grateful to the Madonna because it was she who gave us Jesus."
"The Rosary is a special weapon for these times in which we are living"
"Love Jesus, love Him very much, but to do this, be ready to love sacrifice more."
"Imagine Jesus crucified in your arms and on your chest, and say a hundred times as you kiss His chest, "This is my hope, the living source of my happiness; this is the heart of my soul; nothing will ever separate me from His love."
"Stay with me, Lord, for as poor as my soul is I want it to be a place of consolation for You.."
Click here for more information on St Padre Pio
For those interested, I am offering some beautiful St Padre Pio relic locket rosaries in the Gift Store here.
For those interested, I am offering some beautiful St Padre Pio relic locket rosaries in the Gift Store here.
Those interested in making a Novena (9 days of prayer) seeking the holy intercession of St Padre Pio can find the Novena to St Padre Pio here.
1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»please great saint heal my dad of diabetics and sore,save him from hell
I humbly beg you St Padre Pio, please save my friend Bella from falling for the snares and wickedness of the devil.Please guide her to do the right thing.
St. Padre Pio, thank you for your intersessions for my wife Maureen, who is now better!
Padre Pio please help my sick cat regain his strength and restore his health completely. Thank you frome my heart.
Dear St. Pio, please heal my eye &whatever is physically wrong or I'll with my body. Please, please, PLEASE BEG Jesus & Our Lady to heal, cure, bless & protect me & my family! PLEASE!! Please give me a wonderful sign!
Thank you! Love you! S. :). SAG!
Humble st Padre Pio, Please pray for Will that The Light of God would penetrate his heart, mind and body. I pray for his total healing and conversion. i pray this as an immediate gift of God the Holy Trinity, for the conversion of Life, Love and Healing. I pray for a holy marriage, one that is dedicated wholly to God. I pray for the immediate irradication,stopping of all evil and that which has raised itself against all of this, against God, against a holy life, against us. i pray that our holy life be built richly in Love and overflowintg to our family and to all. May we Love God above all else and Love each other, show maturity and wisdom in everything we do and are. I pray a breath and brush of Love against your forehead as youwere the saint upon whose appointed feastday we first went to Mass together IHS xox Karen
Please loving st Pio, ipray for a healing that I may have some more time on this earth I pray that I will love the the sacred heart of Jesus more each day so that I will have His love in my heart for others.
St.Padre Pio,I beg of your intercession for my family, an increase of faith,to bless my daughters with motherhood, and to bless Gren with understanding and that he may love God's creation.
St. Pio, kindly heal my grandson of his mental affliction, help my daughter cope and pray for me for greater and more sacrificial love of Jesus.
St. Padre Pio, Please take away my anxiety and heal my voice. Let me detach from my self centered feelings and place my mind and trust in God. Thank You and God Bless
Padre Peo, Heal my body. Cancer and other health problems keep me from church.
St.Padre Pio give my wife and i the grace of good confessions to come back to the faith and never leave again. please heal my wife of her addiction and keep her from trouble please save my family. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have already done i might not be hear if not for strength from you the lord and our lady.
St Pio, Please pray for the conversion of my wife to the Holy Catholic Church, and return of my daughters to the church sacraments.
Dearest St. Pio, I am so very sad in my life. Interceed for my family especially my husband, he is my cross who I chose 50 years ago in marriage. My life is so sad, so very very sad. Help Me!!!
St. Pio, I wait for your intercession for my intentions.
I'm weary of life and it's challenges. Come to my assistance.
I feel so alone and helpless.
I hold on to my Rosary and Mother Mary in the name of Jesus.
St. Pio please intercede and ask Jesus to bring my children back to the sacraments. May my two little grand babies be baptized properly. May K pardon come flying through due to your intercession and Fr. Solanus Casey's. May my health improve so that I may begin to attend mass at church regularly. May donations appear so that the disabled of Liberia be fed and return to the church. In Jesus' name I ask.
St. Padre Pio help my family always stay close to the Sacraments and to the Blessed Mother. Help my prayers and devotions be Holy. Help my work so I may provide for my family. Help for a conversion of a sinner today and for the healing of a sick child today. Hug Jesus, St. Joseph, The Blessed Mother, St Francis, St Theresa of Liseaux and all the saints who pray with me and for me, especially my guardian angel...And Bless all those I talk and visit today.
Dear St Padre Pio, please intercede with your prayers for my sister Lorraine so her good health may be restored. Also St Pio, please pray for the restoration of my good health. Praise God and may he continue to bless you St. Pio, Amen.
In His infinite love and mercy I pray that Jesus may hear and answer all the prayer requests on this website, through the intercession of His holy servant, St Padre Pio.
In Jesus name. AMEN +
St Pio, pray for us!
-Glenn Dallaire
please great saint heal my son from drug addiction, it has ruined his life.
St. Padre Pio,
Pray for my granson Paul to be healed and deliverd from drugs and to get out of jail. I am asking Jesus to change his ways.
Dear St. Pio, through your most powerful intercession,I humbly beg our great Father in Heaven, to please grant complete and permanent healing to my sister and brother; to continue to heal my mom's kidneys and knees and MVF's arms and shoulders. Please pray that all my loved and me be protected by the Precious Blood of Jesus and be always granted peace of mind and good health of mind, body, and spirit. I humbly ask these in the Holy Name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen
Loving St. Padre Pio, I am a sinner but I believe in the mercy and love of God. Please pray for me to have a baby. I promise when this happens, this baby will be loved and brought up as a deserving Christian. Amen.
dear father pio,please pray to Jesus to bind us together as close family praising Him,with one sacrament to adore,heal the relationship of those broken marriage for the sake of their children,for the Glory of Lord Jesus who sacrifce himself on the cross for us,Father Pio change me to the kind of person Jesus want me to be..Amen
dear St Padre Pio, have compassion & heal me from the aftermath of a nervous breakdown. my circumstances
cause my little family not to believe as i have not been a very good example. make me strong in faith &
courage, for i have been wishing for death. please bless me to do as Christ intended me to do, instead of this depression. i have many physical maladies as well. my guardian angel has been through so much with me. please bless my son & heal him of addiction & disbelief in God. let him listen to his guardian angel. please heal my daughter from her materialism. let her know her guardian angel to come to faith again. please bless my grandchildren, & bring them to faith again through knowing their quardian angels. please restore
robert to faith & let him know his guardian angel. also bless an ethnic jew who believes in nothing & ridicules the faith. with all my heart & soul, i humbly beg you to help us. intercede for us.
dear St. Padre Pio, please help us in our afflictions. please heal me of the aftermath of a nervous breakdown & restore me to faith & courage. please heal me from depression & sloth & let me know my guardian angel again. this is for my little family who are almost totally lacking in faith & belief in God as i have not set a good example. please intercede for us. for julie, michael, carly & zachary as we are all sinners. bless also robert & gary. let all my family know & be guided by their guardian angels.
thank you.
i feel better already!
please intercede, good St. Padre Pio for the good health of jonas who feels helpless & hopeless. he says therapy doesn't help him. also may my good friends elsie & clare & pat
be comforted in their health struggles.
please guardian angels, be with the hungry, the sick, & and all the war
ravaged countries.
i ask this in the name of Christ Jesus.
Please St.Padre Pio heal my 5 year old nephew of cancer. Give his parents and family the strength they need for this burden. Thank You
Dear Friend Padre Pio,
Please heal my little grandson. Let him open his mouth and speak with words of understanding and give him the gift of understanding. Let my daughter stay in good health. Heal her, in Jesus name. Thank you for all your support. cathy
please accept me and my family as your spiritual children. please heal me. thank you
St. Padre Pio, Bless and pray for the healing of my husband who has mentally disapearing and for his mind to become strong again. Please help my son to find you and to find some peace with himself and with lifes changes. Please bless my family to become stronger in faith of our Lord. In Jesus Name. AMEN
Padre Pio Pary for me!
Padre Pio,
My most beloved Father. Love you a lot. Please heal me of all ailments
onsicasPadre Pio,
My most beloved Father. Love you a lot. Please heal me of all ailments
Padre Pio thank you for being you. I pray for you to continue bringing God's love and mercy to all who call upon you. If ever you need anything please don't hesitate to come to me. I will help you, help the people.
God Bless You
Dearest St parde Pio, intercede for my family and all our intentions. Jesus Mary and Joseph I love you save Souls.
St. Padre Pio, I ask to humbly heal my body of all afflictions I have suffered for so long. Please take all of this pain away at night so that I may sleep restfully and be fully awake in the day to help heal others.
Please I am humbly begging you St.Padre Pio to heal me. Heal my stomach, tummy. Please Padre Pio answer m petitions. I love you.
Padre Pio, please help me bear a child. Hope that my husband's infertility will be cured. Please help him release a single sperm cell that will meet my egg to get pregnant. We really want a child. Please bless us with at least one child.
Please St. Padre Pio bring my prayers to Our heavenly Father. For the conversion of my oldest daughter and favor over our business and debts. For strength and hope for my husband. Please pray for me as well to keep my faith and not get discouraged.
Padre pio, please heal me and give me a healthy heart. You have helped me so much so far and I am eternally grateful, I need you to help me to continue to live my life and avoid having to have surgery that the docs are talking about. Please I am not ready to go yet, I have lots of time to left to spend with my wonderful family, my hubby and my beautiful baby son.. Please help me xxx
Please St Padre Pio heal the rift between Christine and her elderly mother. It is years since they have spoken and she so much wants to be friends again.
Dear Padre Pio, please pray that my brother will find his way to God. He has been denying God all his life. I want him to know God's love before it's too late for him. Also pray that he would overcome all of his addictions & learn to make the right decisions from this day forward & to use his intelligence to help others. With all my heart I thank you, Padre Pio. From Panna.
O Holy Father PIO, With all of my heart I want to be like you and be one with our lord Jesus. Today I am asking for your intervention for the health of my husband Daniel Catheline who is very sick and near death. Please ask the Lord to cure him for he is a humble man and would be most greatful.I am also asking for the health of all of those who are sick. Pray for us so that everyone can see your mercy and God's love for all. Thank you!
O Holy Father Pio, with all of my heart I want to be like you and be one with our Lord Jesus. Today I am asking for your intervention for the health of my brother-in-law Daniel Steven Catheline Ariza. He is a very humble man and we would all be very greatful. I also ask for my own health and that of everyone who is ill of health and faith. Please I beg of you to pray for us so that everyone can see your mercy and God's love for all. Thank you ever so kindly.
Dear St. Padre Pio,Please heal my lungs,I am having a difficult time breathing,it is laboured,I need divine help ,,please I beg God to help me. Thank You.
Dearest Padre Pio,
I ask you to intercede and ask Jesus to impart to my daughter the wisdom she needs to believe in Jesus and God. Please pray for her soul. Ask that she is led away from her atheist conviction and onto your path of salvation. Sincerely, Mark
Barbara said...
Dear St. Padre Pio, Please heal my cat Silver and have her trust her. Silver has been through so much pain and I want to have her healed and stay with us as long as God permits. I love you Padre Pio and God forever.
st. padre pio, am amazed at what God did and is still doing through you.i would also like to experience such miracles for my sick mother. she has had a sick leg and back for many years now, we have prayed and gone to many hospitals. please intercede for her to Jesus for complete healing. I trust your powerful intercession and basing on the many testimonies here, i believe she will be healed completely of other ailments too.
st. padre pio, am amazed at what God did and is still doing through you.i would also like to experience such miracles for my sick mother. she has had a sick leg and back for many years now, we have prayed and gone to many hospitals. please intercede for her to Jesus for complete healing. I trust your powerful intercession and basing on the many testimonies here, i believe she will be healed completely of other ailments too.
Danielle said...
St.Padre Pio, please pray and heal me of my ailments as I am suffering so. I pray that I recover quickly and permanently as I have children to care for. I am so grateful for all the Lord has given me. I pray that all the prayer requests will answered. God bless all.
St. Padre Pio, please pray for the healing of my family tree. Bring all the lost members of my family tree back to the sacraments.
St. Padre Pio, please help me and my family with our struggle with our daily living. Heal the sick members of my family, and help those who do not have jobs to find a stable one. Help those with dimming faith, show those who went astray the path back to the arms of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
St. Padre Pio, pray for us!
Saint Padre Pio, please intercede for the healing and good health of my father Severino. and please adopt him as your spiritual child too. Thank you.
dear padre pio i who never prayed to you before humbly beg for my newborn baby boy ...we beg you to ask our lord and our lady to intervene for him and let his blood results be negative for down syndrome.i know i am asking for a miracle but i have faith that miracles can happen...please please please i beg you , i am begging from the bottom of my being...i am shook to the core of my being..please i beg for this huge ask,
Saint Padre Pio, please pray for all of the intentions of the world. People say that demons fear you more than Holy Saint Michael the Archangel; if this is true, please protect Christians, especially your spiritual children, from them. Grazie, Padre. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
Padre Pio, pls save our marriage. I pray for the woman in my husband's life to let him go. Amen
St.Padre pio..im humbly beg you to please pray for me and my husband to be blessed with a healthy baby.I know we are not worthy of gods grace.but i am begging u.to please extend my prayer to the blessed virgin mary to grace us and blessed us a kid..please pray for me that this first IUI that we did will be succesful and God will be bless us a healthy baby..in jesus name please hear my prayer.
St Padre Pio am surrendering my pains my tears my wifes job difficulties her pregnancy difficulties my debts , my sisters impotence plz pray to jesus amen anish antony
Saint Padre Pio, i am humbly praying for the healing of my mother in all her illnesses in her heart, lungs, liver, biliary tree and please take away the 2.5 inches stone that blocks the bile to pass through her bile duct which makes her weak and for her not to undergo an open surgery which is very critical for her...Please give me a wonderful sign for her healing...Thank you Saint Pio...
Dear Padre Pio, please help me find a good job as soon as possible as I've been out of work for ages and I really need your intercession, also please help me heal my mind and body so that I may serve the Lord in the best way possible. I believe in miracles and I need to work and I need a healing. Thank you, dear Saint.
Padre pio please help little Isabella,I pray to you..
i pray for my friend manmeet to st Padre pio to get her back with navdeep as he has astrayed away without a chance to her and bring and his family back , tie them in marriage knot...i pray to you deliver her and show her a miracle
St. Padre Pio
Please pray for me and my family.
Also please pray for the soul of
my dear departed husband Bob and
all the souls who have gone before
Dear St. Padre Pio,
In Jesus' Name I ask you to pray & permanently heal my brother's mental illness, his deep depression & anxiety issues. Give my parents the strength to go on and live a joyful life. Please give me a sign. Thank you!
Please St. Padre Pio and all the Saints and Angels in Heaven intercede now for a miracle for my son Nicholas to heal him of all addictions and addictive behavior. Send to his life positive drug free people and a job he will enjoy and grow in. Also for continued work for Katie as well as a blessed marriage for Elyse and Kevin. Also, for salvation for all of my family. Bring joy in our homes and lives and a better relationship with my husband and children as well as having my children be financially independent of me. Please in JEsus name I pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to seal this blessing of positive change and life for Mal, Michele, Elyse, Kevin, Nick, Katie, KEnny and Sandy. Amen, and Amen
Padre Pio, worker of miracles, please interecede for my dear mother who is has 2 medical afflictions - kidney failure which may soon put her on dialysis/transplant and a recent fall that has blinded her in one eye. She is a very youthful, vibrant woman who needs the strength to move on and live the life that she deserves. She is a devoted educator and would love to continue her profession and also enjoy her life. She worked so hard all her life for others, and it's so difficult to imagine her suffering from physical ailments at this stage of "retirement." Padre Pio, if anyone deserves 2 miracles, it is my mom. Please intervene in curing her right eye sight and her kidneys so she can have a beautiful, fulfilled retirement that she deserves. She is eternally devoted to you, and I know you are hearing all of our prayers. The last few months have been the most difficult in all of our lives. Please help us in our time of need. We will be eternally grateful.
please St. Pio, intercede for my child who had dilated ventricles from his brain. His name was Lorenzo Raphael Rivera and he was a special child. I strongly believe in miracles surviving each day is already a miracle for me and i wish one day like a normal child, he will soon be able to walk and talk. My dear St. Pio I beg for your intercession and God's mercy. please help my child.
St. Pio help me to become a strong mother for my special child. Help me also drive away evil spirits tempting my mind to give up and yield to earthly desires causing me to neglect things I should prioritize. Make my husband realize how important his part and effort as a husband, a partner and a father in giving support not just financially but also morally and spiritually for our child's needs.Help us in our financial resources to provide the best for our child. Turn our frustrations, deppresions, sorrows even sufferings into something insprational and wonderful help us to discover strength emotionally, mentally and physically whenever we feel this way and turn our negative emotions into something beautiful that will better us as persons, that will better our relationship and will give genuine love for our child and for God. Thank you St. Pio. Amen
a short version
Padre Pio and Me ©
Michael Casey
So why the devotion to Padre Pio , I’ll cut to the chase.
My mother died suddenly but peacefully in her sleep , my brother tried CPR , but she was gone . Imagine the angusih amongst her 6 children and her husband of nearly 50 years . All except me , my mother had said no tears when she go ,so I never cried , I was the odd one out .I know how prayerful she was , so I had no need of tears .
Eight bare weeks later my brother , the same brother heard our dad fall out of bed , so he ran to his bedroom . My brother was facing the exact same situation , he tried CPR , the ambulance was called , an injection was given straight to the heart . On weekends there is a doctor in the ambulance , so Luck , if that’s the word was with us . The next day 4 of my brothers and sisters came around to tell me the news . When my sister had come around 8 weeks previously I knew somebody was dead but I assumed it was my dad , he’s die first we all thought . So now 8 weeks later it was his turn to die .
At the hospital dad was given 1 week to live , I cried like a baby , worse than a baby , but I loved him , so I told he he should go to our mother and not hang on if he didn’t want to . The next day I was in my sister’s house crying , we picked hymns for his funeral .Yet my father survived , 19 patients on a heart ward , 18 died my dad survived . Padre Pio was beseiged by my prayers , I put Padre Pio’s photo under his pillow . Dad lost his mind , he was in Dudley Rd for 3months , 12 weeks , more than half of them all tubed up . His life hanging in the balance ..My dad’s memory was totally wiped , he did not know who I was, I’m your son was greeted with , am I married . I was the favourite son , he did not even know me . But still we prayed , it’s a feeling in your guts , just like when you are nearly killed as you cross the road , its in your guts and in your heart , Jesus save my dad , Jesus save my dad , Padre Pio help !!! This goes around your head like a merry go around or a kaleidascope . Finally dad awoke . He said that he can remember hearing the doctor say to wheel him down to the end of the ward , because he’d be dead soon . At that moment my dad awoke, and the doctor dropped his cup of tea in shock . No not an instanteous miracle , but as Dr Singh had said if he were 30years younger he’d have a heart transplant because dad’s heart was rubbish .
Now , when I told my brother that dad was reading a newspaper he was shocked . His memory had come back . He knew who we all were .Every day for three months I walked the corridor at Dudley Rd , the longest hospital corridor in Europe , 1 kilometre long . Finally he left the hospital , my sister had found a good home for him to live in , he was far too weak to live in the family house .
For 3 years dad survived , like a Godfather with all his children making constant visits . Finally I met my future wife . It was her uncle who had miraclously survived at the same time as my father . It was her uncle who encouraged us in our love . From Shanghai to Birmingham .These great men , her uncle and my father never met , but I know Padre Pio must have helped both of them . Further prayer was needed to bring me and my wife permanently together . A Chinese miracle happened . Now we are wed , we have a 2year old and please God a healthy second baby in the Autumn ..
today 2013 I'd like to become a writer but that may never happen. I am married and we have 2 bilingual daughters nearly 12 and 10 now
Dear Michael Casey,
Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story about your dad and the heavenly intercession of St Padre Pio.
And speaking of the remarkable intercession of St Pio, I will be publishing some miraculous stories about Saint Padre Pio on my "Mystics of the Church" website in the upcoming week.
Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
I pray for the emotional healing and spiritual conversion of Nestor Vidal. Open his heart that he may receive God and surrender himself completely to Him. May he turn away from sin and be renewed in his faith. Please intercede for him Padre Pio. Amen.
Dear Padre Pio, please intercede for my sister who is undergoing stress and and depression. Please give her the heart to let go of the pains that she is carrying in her heart. Help her to forgive. Let her understand the goodness in her sufferings. Please help her find a husband who will love and stay with her for the rest of her life. Grant her physical and emotional healing. Thank you Padre Pio. Amen
Dear Padre Pio please intercede for me to the sacred heart of Jesus that my Psorisis be cured and also my inflamation heilp me understand Gods will
Dear Padre Pio, In Jesus's Name, intercede to God for me for healing of the root cause of my insomnia, fibromyalgia and arthritis; that I may evangelize more and finish my book and not be so house bound. Please that my girls and their husbands return to church. Send me a loving, Christian husband. Thank you Jesus and Padre Pio. Amen!
please st. padre pio, heal my sons hearts thru the intersession with the lord, ask gods forgiveness of j,i,r
I have been praying to Padre Pio for a while now. He is a great saint who listens if you open your heart to him. The reason why I say it is because he has done so for me so many times. If I were to write everything, you would wonder so much but I can only tell you that if you place your belief in him and pray with an open and good heart, he will come as he does for me so many times.
Please do not lose faith in him. He is there if you call upon him - you just need to focus and find your way to him. The rest, he will do for you.
padro pio please help us to pray to God to forgive us our sins and give us his mercy full grace
Padro Pio I know that I am unworthy of a healing and I have wasted 2 chances already. But please intercede with The Lord so that I can be healed of pancreatic cancer so that I may fulfill the purpose that God has for me. I am not completely sure of what that purpose is but I promise to never overlook an opportunity to serve him. Everyday I am presented with small opportunities to Mae someone's life better a smile a touch a prayer. I need to be here four our 5 children and 10 grandchildren and especially my wife. To make sure that they all attain heaven.
Dear Anonymous of July 16, 2013:
To be very frank and sincere with you, I think that you can be very certain that St Padre Pio will not pray for this intention, because you and your girlfriend are not joined through the Sacrament of marriage, and the Scriptures and the Church teaches that chilbearing should always be within the bonds and union of the Sacrament of Marriage.
In fact, having sexual relations outside of marriage is the sin of fornication, and cannot be blessed by God or desired by His Saints, since the Saints desire nothing outside of the holy will of God, and seek always to obey His commandments, and they would never pray for something that concerns sin.
In light of this, I would humbly suggest that you reflect upon the teachings of the Scriptures and the Church concerning sexual relations outside of marriage, and why it is forbidden by God. I say this for the good of your soul, and that of your girlfriend.
I wish you all the best in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire
I really wonder whether Padre Pio was Jesus Christ himself. He was an extraordinary being. Am sure he has already interceded for my needs
Dearest padre pio i ask you to please intercede for peace in my family
Dearest padre pio please bless us a baby with your intersession, let me feel your touch as I pray to you asking for a miracle to give a healthy baby as we waiting for long.for your humility you may grant us in the name of the father,guide us and keep on praying to you.
I ask St. Padre Pio please bless my grandson Ethan Gideon Likver with good health in mind and body. Please save him from any illness and bless him to grow up a happy and healthy child.
Thank you.
Dear St Padre Pio
I lost my faith,way for a while due to so many let downs in life betrayal,depression,saddness and loss of confidence within myself.I ask that you please pray for me to restore what the enemy has taken which God set for me and unblock and unhinge an doors placed by the enemy through and all malice from the enemy!This I ask in the name of Jesus.I used to say your prayer a lot and I always felt a sense of peace.Tonight I began to cry and the first thing that came into my mind was to look for your prayer and seek your aid once again although it has been many years now.Please strengthen me and renew my spirit once again,let me not fall to the claws of evil or accept my current circumstance,let me love myself once again and exude the love God gave me from birth to shine through me once again as it did before.I thank you for your love,support and hope may my heart be mended once again and may I be strong and be blessed once again and most of all mend my relationship with God as I feel He has forsaken me.
Hi Anonymous,
Your prayer intention reminds of an old Catholic saying "Leave the past to the mercy of God, live the present in His grace, and leave the future to His providence."
In other words, every day is a fresh start, a new beginning...and we are to leave the past to His mercy.
May St Pio be your heavenly advocate and friend and may he lead you ever closer to Jesus. Amen +
Please let it be God's will that you are able to help me. I have lost my sense of smell for over a year. This is a very dangerous state to be in because I might be in a room with deadly gases and not know it. I have been using a generic nasal spray for quite some time and I now realize that I might have permanently damaged myself.I leavit up to you to place this matter of mine in God's hands so that He will do what is best for me. I hope that it means that my sense of smell will return.All for Jesus through Mary. Amen
Please protect me when I am all alone in the house for about a week when my family goes up to the cottage in Upper Michigan. I do not go on these trips because I have asthma and must stay in an air=conditioned environment during the summer months. There is no air conditioning at the lake. Please protect my family when they are traveling the roads and bring them all safely back home to me in about a week. Amen.
><> J. M. J. ><>
Dear Saint Padre Pio, Please be with me and guide me during the retreat that I am currently on.
><> J. M. J. ><>
All for Jesus Through Mary, Amen.
Dearest Padre Pio, I beg of you to intercede for me I beg of you a complete cure from my incurable illness that has taken so much from my children,..I have 5 beautiful kids 2 very young, I fear my life and my growing ailments will stop me from being all that I can for my children and my adoring husband whom is so burdened with my disease, I have lost my faith some what along this journey and beg to be renewed and healed spiritually and bodily so I will be here for my kids as they grow up...through the power of God, Jesus, all the Angels and Saints pray for me a mother, wife, daughter, and sister who needs you so desperately, Amen!
Why are you afraid of the surgery Jesus has opened a door that no one can shut, for the doors that shut no one can open..recieve his blessings don't be afraid...
Stop, saying please, please, please. I heard you the first time your healing will come, you will be just fine. Now tonight pray a rosary giving thanks to our mother.
My child how could you be so tired and of life's challenges. My father's strength lives inside you. How could you feel so alone and helpless. You are full of Jesus and his hope lives in you. Hold on to your rosary, mother mary will come and assist you.
Please Padre Pio,
I beg you as your spiritual daughter, please heal John of his medical and psychological issues (please let him grow to be above average in stature and cheerfulness compared to all other kids his age this year of 2013; please also heal Jan of his prostate cancer immediately; please heal all my patients that there be no complications ever in their eyes from my care; and please run to the aid in the sincere conversion of Fernando, Nereida, all my siblings, and Jesus Alberto Martinez, Amen!
Dear St Padre Pio,
I pray that through your divine intercession, peace may be restored in Syria and that the souls of the thousands that were killed in their homes rest in Peace Amen.
Confessez vous sincèrement, puis tenez spirituellement Sainte Marie dans la main droite et Saint Joseph dans la main gauche (médaillons bénis) puis agenouillez vous pour prendre directement dans la bouche la SAINTE HOSTIE, JESUS CHRIST vous donnera beaucoup de grâces!
Dear Padre Pio, I am asking for your intercession for a miracle for my cat, TickTock. She has been a beautiful and true companion to me for the last 9 years. I ask this as long as it does not interfere with my salvation. MCC
Dear Pare Pio,
I am asking for the health of my mother whom I want to have a happy and healthy retirement. We have been together for the past 58 years and she has always cared for me and I want her to stay healthy until God calls her. She suffers from many ilnesses and I want a miracle so that she can be cured.
Thank you and Jesus for making this miracle come true !
Dear Padre Pio, I pray to you for your intercession, I ask for you to speak with j and ask him to remove himself from the situation he has with s. I ask that you whisper words of faith and trust into J's ears. Fill his heart and mind of pure thoughts of me. Please Padre Pio, I beg of your help that you ask j to reunite with me, in a relationship that is filled with honesty understanding patience, a lot of love and purity. Please Padre, grant me this miracle and I will be forever grateful to you. I ask of you to show me a sign that my prayers are being heard and answered. Padre Pio, please, I beg that this relationship between j and I be restored and that we be bonded in holy matrimony. Forever blessed and grateful, r
Please heal me fully And completely of fibromyalgia so I can live the life god give me with happiness and fun. The same as any other young woman please padre pio I've suffered too long I ask & beg for your help. And to help others that suffer from this also. Amen xxxxx
St Pio please pray that God will restore my marriage soon & bless me financially.Thank you
St Pio please heal my eyesight.Thank you
St Pio please make me debt free & bless me with my own house & car.Thank you
St padre pio rush at the bedside of amariya of her cancer n fumgal meningitis heal her miraculously n baffle medical science n drs n man. I urgetly ask u to rush to her aid n bring glory to jesus thru her. Amen
Padre Pio please heal my precious son Calvin.
Dear padre pio if it be your will to heel me I have made a big mistake when my soul was hurting I was on medication I said take it I dont care but I do care very very much my mind was very confused please if you can heel my mind body and sou to feel love againl so I can look after my children and go back to work please help feel like my mind is giving up I sincerely regret giving my soul away I was hurting a few weeks ago I was on the path to inner heeling and now its all gone wrong please help
Dear Padre Pio,
First, thanks for all the blessings that you have given to us. For all of us good health, long life and let us become free from debt and help us with our mortgage problem.
Dear Padre Pio,
I'm sorry for the malicious thoughts.Please help me to have mercy of God and accept me as your spiritual son.
Oh! Padre Please pray for us.
Please, St. Pio, relieve my son of his mental afflictions and return him back to the fold of God. Thank you with much love
Please St Padre Pio, heal my daughter and my self from abuse. Give us peace and stability in our lives.
I felt your power while being prayed over by your glove. Please heal my son Calvin St.Pio
PLEASE, PRAY for the SAVING and STRENGTHENING of Our MARRIAGE! My dear husband and I were married in August 2013, and he separated from November 2013, seeking divorce! We met through Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Angels, are practicing Catholics and had a misunderstanding which is blown out of proportion. Our challenges are completely reconcilable. We both intend well and have helped each other grow in grace. Please, pray that my husband accepts and loves me as his wife.... I love him so deeply. PLEASE, URGENTLY pray for the SAVING and STRENGTHENING of our once-grace-filled and very beautiful marriage, as it is IN the courts. How exponentially horrible! Thank you and may God continue blessing you via the Immaculate Heart of His Blessed Mother!
please Padre Pio, I pray for healing of my dear Sister in law, Mary. Cancer has taken over her body. We need a miracle. She is a wonderful mother, devoted wife and loving person.
St padre pio I donno you but then may be you are like the small packet of faith which god sends. ...can you as him tocall me ...or atleast can you go and talk to him .
I btw I am loosing all my hair and am having facial hair...I no longer feel pretty...and want to get married
Dear Padre Pio,I ask that you pray for my youngest son. Please help heal him.He has a very bad intestinal impaction and needs your help.He has had many tests and now has to see a specialist on Tuesday.Please help him to recover from this.Pray for him Padre Pio.
Thank you Saint Padre Pio for the intercessions for all my urgent needs during in the past, this present times and in the future. Hoping for my prayers to be answered by God. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you my great saint. Praise be to God.
Thank you Padre Pio for accepting me as one of your Spiritual Children on March 10, 2014. Thank you for the two confirmations that you accepted me. Thank you for sending a cash buyer for my house. Offer was done on the 11th and it was finally done on the 17th.
I am reciting the Holy Rosary 3 to 4 times a day. I love you Papa Pio in Jesus' Name!
Era Pia
Padre Pio please bless my family and cast away all the illness my two daughters. Heal them fully as you have healed so many faithful followers. Please bless us all. Keep us all in gods faith and humbly pray for gods miracles.
St pio. I beg of you to come and take absolute control of my spiritual life. Give me the Grace to be a good child of God. Amen.
Dea St Pio,
Pleas Help My Family To Be More Close To God And Church And Bless My Son And Husband And Help Me To Conciev And Have A Healthy Baby, Please St Pio Pray For Us I Have Asked Many Saints But This Time I Know Something Changed In Me I Hope That Through You My Family Will Grow Stronger. Help Us St Pio
This should help to bolster the cause: www.edusaints.com
Dear St. Padre Pio;
I plead with you to bring back my beautiful daughter and son back to the Catholic Church . I pray every day of my life for them to find their way home to God and Jesus. St. Pio, Pray for us.
I need a miracle today for my father...thank you Padre Pio
Dear Saint Padre Pio, Please grant me through your Intercession and guide me to the dependable employment that await's me. Then If you'd please faithfully guide my Miss Right from the Philippines , and I togethe to be In love forever truly soon. Please help me with my happiness !
Dear Saint Padre Pio, Please grant me through your Intercession and guide me to the dependable employment that await's me. Then If you'd please faithfully guide my Miss Right from the Philippines , and I togethe to be In love forever truly soon. Please help me with my happiness !
My Dear Patron Saint Padre Pio, I humbly beg You,kindly heal Noel for he has an acute kidney injury.This coming june 12 will be his check up.Im praying and hoping that everything will be alright.I trust and have faith in You my Patron Saint.This I ask thru Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.
My Dear Padre Pio, today is Noel's check up for his kidney. Kindly help him My Dear Saint that everything will be alright.Please i beg You Padre Pio..Show him a miracle.. This I ask thru the same Christ Our Lord, Amen..
Dear Saint Padre Pio, please don't let my Mother kick me and my sister out of our house, and help us to be more respectful to her. Amen.
Dear loving saint Pio, Through your intersession i am confident that my son will be healed from his stammering, my will be totally healed from her sever backache and i would be blessed with a good & Secured job. Through your and mother mary intersession do offer all the graces that is thru the will of the holy father & Jesus.Praise the lord Jesus Christ.
please give me faith and heal this word of war.
father Pio, pray for my iniquities' forgiveness, and a special help to help me overcome my evil ways... I wish you always pray for me until my death, all I wish is to get to get back happily to My Heavenly Father ,and I think it is the will of God!I don't care what life I may live on earth....you know sometimes I feel like Heaven is far away to reach, so that lives me hopeless....deliver me of all evil powers and temptations whenever I feel weak.....please heed prayer....May the will of God be done, not my own.
Please Padre Pio pray for me to get rid of my illnesses and my hard of breathing. It is getting so bad I can only hope for a miracle
Dear St Pio, please heal me from the physical ailments which afflict me. They are causing me great depression and despair and it has made me not want to live. I know you can heal me and I trust and believe that you help me now. I am eternally grateful for your intercession and help.
Father Padre please pray for me..thank you for leading me to the sacred heart of Jesus
My dear St pio please ask God for his help with my difficult situation help me that I don't disgrace my family and loose my licence ,and that I never drink alcohol again , St Pio please ,please help as you are my only hope,In anticipation of your help Thank you Jesus and St Pio I
would be eternally grateful V M Mw
Dear St Pio please help me with my difficult situation I have been praying to you for months now
I'm just asking you to please help me that my situation will be alright and everything returns to normal ,Forever grateful now and forever .V
St padre pio please help intercede for God's miracles in my family. Healing for my two daughters,a good job for me,healing for my finances and God's joy and peace to be restored in my life and all debts owedto be cleared in Jesus name.
dear st pio please ask jesus to forgive me.to please help me with my depression and my other problems which you already know
about.That everything works out in October for the better,and that the healing will come back through the Holy Spirit and help from st pio .Thank you Jesus for helping me
Please st Jude ask jesus for help
that my situation will be alright in October ,and that my relationship will stay intact for the good of everyone ,help my family, brothers, and sisters ,grant them peace of mind and good health ,and please grant my wife and son, peace of mind and good health and to feel happy ,and please help with my health .Thank you St Jude
Dear Jesus and the holy spirit help me that the healing comes back ,and that the mantra continues to help
Forever grateful
Thank you my Lord
Maureen 25 -8-14
Please st pio hear my prayers my heart is sad . Please pray for me.I will always be gratefull AMEN
Dear St Pio if it pleases you ,to make me one of your spiritual children.I would be eternally grateful .And if I may ask you to help me with my health ,that it improves,and that everything else works out for me and my family
Thank you St Pio ,I will be forever grateful to you. Anonymous
Padre I live a life like a machine
.I wrote to you back in feb
..but after that you told me certain things none of which seem to have happened. ..why padre I am odd one out everywhere
Prayer Request :
persecution demonic satanic and dark things done againts pastor Thieringo must stop and mustn't have effect on him and must return againts those who do that . Fire of Holly Spirit must come on evil and bad things againts him. May Holly Spirit Jesus and God do justice to him .Protection , healing, wisdom, freedom, prosperity, miracles in finances, success and miracles in business, success and miracles in his life in Jesus Name .
God bless You.
Father Pio, please visit my son Jean and place your healing hand over his left eye and restore his vision that he may see again. Amen
Dear Padre Pio please help my son be successful in his recent exams as it is his chosen path in life. I pray you will guide his mind and his hands to follow this path l
Deat St Padre Pio, I humbly request for your intercession for God's blessings to my family; for peace, love & joy; for prosperity to share to the needy; for good health-to cure any ailments. Bless our young group CCF that we may grow strong & united in spirit of humility, obedience and love for the sake of our Mission of Evangelization. May our upcoming cursillo classes continue to be strong & successful including our upcoming trip to the Phil to revive its Cursillo Movement aligned in US National & the whole word as one Grand Ultreya. Bless our Pope so he can continue God's work around the world especially in our poor country...Praise You dear Lord Jesus, Amen.
dear padre pio
please pray for my nephew and for his upcoming operation and for all my nieces and nephews keep them all safe and healthy in all they do.
Holy Padre Pio; Please intercede and ask our Blessed Lord to heal completely my daughters Uterine Fibroid.please hear my prayer.
St. Padre Pio, I humbly beg for your help, guidance and protection for my children in all that they do. I also pray for your intercession for the healing of my sick brother, and strength of my sister and husband.
Father pio, please give me the strength and will power to give up smoking for good, I also pray that what I have smoked has and will not harm me in any way. I so desperately don't want to smoke any more. I pray for good Health for myself and all me family and Johnny and all his family.
St. Padre Pio, You know what my heart desires and I hope you can fill my expectations on my life.
St.padre pio,heal me of all diseases and also heal my father and destroy all the plans of the evil ones concerning him.also my forth coming wedding,make it a memorable one and bless us mightily.
St.padre pio,heal my fibroid and the skin infections that I have Also bless the business of my fiance and make him prosper.provide a good job for me and my sisters.
Please St Padre Pio heal my mother who is dying of cancer
Padre Pio I pray for your intercession to our Lord to bless me with good judgement as I travel through life and seek to support our large family.
Dear padre pio please help my son and take care of him in this time of distress
Padre pio thank you for bringing my son home safely please take care of him
Dear Padre Pio please help my brother at this hard times..
vulnerable Padre. through you dear Saint I have seen untold miracles, happiness and conquers. Please Padre, make me debt free, improve my daily living life with my wife family and church. take the cancer in the feet away to hell. showw me miraculous deed as before
Anonymous said ....
My most Humble Prayer request to St.Padre Pio. Please pray for the emotional healing and spritual conversion of my son Kevin Xavier, Help him to forgive. Open his heart that he may receive God and surrender himself completely to Him. May he turn away from sin and be renewed in his faith. Please intercede for him Dear Padre Pio. AMEN. Thank you.
02 November 2014
PADRE PIO MEU GUIA podem chamarem burxo ou anti-cristo nao me importo conformr me jugarem sereis julgados sou esprita mestre reki pastor mormon consagado catolico e cartomante tenho muita fe em n.s,aparecida em jesus cristo deus pai por isso nao temo niguem heide fazer vir tudo a portugal estou na cidade guarda so necito ler os livros sagardos pois o chacra da coroa e coraçao abriam se em fatimaMiguel Arcanjo EspÃrita dos Pobres Vêja a minha presença no Programa "CASA DO MANEL" RegioesTV RTV Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG9ys0FiIcs Miguel Arcanjo http://espiritadospobres.webnode.pt/http://espiritadospobres.home.sapo.pt/ http://youtu.be/WaKk3iz5-9Q Miguel Arcanjo EspÃrita dos Pobres Vêja a minha presença no Programa "PEDRA D´AUDIÊNCIA" RegioesTV RTV Link-1ª Parte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D_C_rI61G4 Link-2ª Parte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLlLpRRqKb4 so falta fazer o curso diacono catolico mas nao desisto das cartas so peço que rezem por mi
CASA DO MANEL PGM 92 PARTE 2docid=502012333&prefer=lang
Dear St. Padre Pio, PLEASE help Billy, Cathy, Ed, & Marianna reach heaven. Help Billy et rid of addictions and Cathy rid of anxiety. Ed & Marianna does Gods will in the future. Thank you very much.
St Padre Pio please go visit my brother-in-law at the hospital, he needs your help. Thank you.
Dear St Padre Pio i ask for your help for a young couple who are having some problems at the moment... and for my family and myself, for our health spiritually physically and emotionally. Thank you . Amen.
Dear Padre Pio, please pray for the complete restoration of my marriage to my husband, Stephen. Thank you Padre Pio! Praise be to Jesus!
Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
please please please pray for my 3 yr old nice!!! Please pray for her surgery please pray for her health.
Padre help me please
Dear St Padre Pio,through your intercession,the Lord has done alot for me.for this I thank and Praise you.
Please my beloved saint, pray for me to get a good job.thanks be to God.
St. Pio thank u for guiding us always. Please intercede with me. Hoping that my problems end tonight. Answer my prayers. Thank u. I put all my trust in you. Amen
My family is in need of emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. I am currently separated from my family. The state is forcing her to divorce me and remove the children from my custody. I am stricken with fear and desolation. I have tumors growing in me.Satan has us and I cry out in pain. I pray constantly. Pray we don't lose our income, house, future, freedom. Ask Jesus to heal our unnecessary pain and show us the good that will come from this. Pray with me. Thank you.
Padre Pio please help my family during these difficult times. I ask you to guide my family into the presence of the holy spirit. Shelter my family.
Dearest Lord, Saint Padre Pio was and remains your faithful servant. I ask that you bless him with all the splendors of Heaven when his works of intercession and aid are complete. Most Holy Father, you have granted us so many graces and gifts through Saint Pio. We thank you so much for them, and for providing Padre Pio as one of the greatest Saints of our time. He is a marvelous example of love, sacrifice, and devotion, especially with regard to the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist. May we always endeavor to imitate his humility and service to You, dear Lord. Please continue to provide us the graces we need to become great Saints ourselves...AMEN.
Dearest Saint Pio, please help me change my sinful ways. Ask the Father to forgive all my sins. I also ask for a stable and sufficient source of income. Thank you Saint Pio. Please intercede for me.
Saint Padre pio please pray to the little girl who just had a sciore also pray for Yordanos who is possed wit evil please make her free in the intersicion of our lovely mother
Saint Padre pio please help my husband to leave everything into Gods hand.
Saint Padre pio please pray for my father and my 8 years son piyush. Both of are suffering from different diseases. Dear Saint Padre pio please save my family. My family is in a big trouble.
If you can't say anything positive don't say anything!
Dear Saint Pedro Pio
Please help me to pray for my sick mother who is hospital. She is my pillar of strength. I know you can hear me. I believe my God of miracles will heal her.
St Padre Pio, Please heal my mom in Lebanon,which cancer is spreading inside her body.pray for her please.
Dear St.Padre Pio, Please deliver my family tree members from taking alcohol as well as living in wrong marital relations that keep on crucifying my Lord Jesus Christ. In addition to this I am praying for a lifetime partner please help to meet the right person. Lastly I am praying for financial break through I have lots of debt. I believe in your power oh Padre Pio.
dear Padre Pio
i know you love jesus so much as i also do, pls grant me permission to love jesus more and more every day, help me to pray well and live a life in spirit as you do, pls bring conversions of my family sisters, brothers friends and brings souls for my beloved jesus, especially now i would like healing for a dear mother who is in coma and comfort for their family
love you my saint kiss my carmelite sister and all the saint, deep love for mother mary, saint joseph and jesus and greet my lords of his holiness for mankind
holy holy holy lord of almighty
Dear Padre Pio, I am not worthy to ask you this, but please pray for my son to be healed. Please forgive my sins and the sins of my family. Help us to grow stronger and more faithful to Jesus. Thank you, Father. Ps, please tell our Blessed Mother, I love her.
Dear Saint Padre Pio please pray to our heavenly Father requesting the conversion of my wife Maxine and also the conversion of my children. Please pray for me also as I suffer terrible temptation.
Please pray for the return of my health. I cracked or bruised or broke a rib or two last night and it hurts like the dickens. Please pray to our Lord and his Blessed mother that they will heal me and help me with the pain.
Saint Padre Pio, I am seriously ill but I will be totally well through your intercession. My devotion to you is just very young, but I believe that you look at anyone with mercy and compassion.
My novena to Padre Pio were answered many times. First, I prayed for my father for healing towards his addiction to alcohol. One day when I visited our home, Papang as I call him, I noticed his skin and eyes! He is yellowish. I knew something is wrong. Jaundice is related to liver disease. I was really worried. He has been weak ever since. Until I decided we need to bring him to the hospital. He had a dreadful seizure. I was really scared. What made me through was praying the rosary. It was not easy in the hospital. He was experiencing alcohol withdrawal and was in delirium. I placed Padre Pio's novena under his pillow. He did not know it. It was really a struggle looking after papang during that time. After a week of discharge he was slowly getting fine. His eyes and skin begins to look normal. I've been praying that he will be healed everyday from this diseases. Today he is healed. Amazing! Padre Pio interceeded for me to God.
My novena on applying for a job here in DOH. I was applying for a job that monitors hospitals and health facilities. I did not really prayed for them to hire me but I prayed for strength and knowledge. I was hesitant to leave my first job. It was less paying but I was already used to it but I also wanted to have savings. That simple prayer and the movie of Padre Pio touched me so much. In the movie, Padre Pio built a hospital.That is his long term dream and goal, to be able to serve many people since there is war during that time. Despite of the difficulty in building it, his dream came true. That time in the movie when he said "Hospitals are for the patients not for doctors" it touched me deep and it brought me to tears. I was thinking if I get the job, that is Padre Pio is asking me to do. To protect patients and be a good monitoring officer.
I prayed for my husband to start exercising. He was afraid of playing badminton again. His bestfriend who plays with him died in a violent way and unfortunately on his death, he saw his bestfriend dead lying on a pavement surrounded by police. He was really traumatized of that incident. He could not go out at night. His sports badminton and basketball are usually at night so he stopped playing. He became unhealthy. I prayed novena of Padre Pio. Now he is back playing both badminton and basketball!
Saint Padre Pio today I am sick. I am ill of a thryroid cyst that the doctor said it needs surgery. With your intercession Padre Pio pray for me the Holy Lady and Lord Jesus. I pray that my thryoid cyst will instantly be gone and heal my body completely. That it wouldn't need surgery anymore cause its already healed. Thank you Padre Pio.
Dear Jesus, please bless my pet, Homer, so that the cysts that appeared on his neck, head, tummy and ear be healed and stop from limping. We love all our pets so much. Please protect us all and keep us safe and away from any harm. Thank you for all the blessings that You give us each day! Through the intercession of Mama Mary and St. Padre Pio, please hear my prayers. Amen. Love, Audrey
please please pray for my father and his health
fr.pedre pio cure my son completely from autism. help him study in his current school. and make him behave very well and achieve all the best.i am in a very desperate situation.please pray for me .pray god Jesus to mercy on me and my son. Anne.
fr.pedre pio I am seeking a full time job as a Registered Nurse. My problem is i lack experience.
I am asking you to please pray to Jesus and Mary to please guide my life and open the correct doors for me. Please fr.pedre pio can you please remove any obstacles stopping me from getting this job.
My wife is having a baby please bless her and baby.That everything is normal.
Iam also studying at the moment and would like a blessing to pass course.
I am worried about the job because my current job will finish and i have my family to think about.
Please help me.
Thank you Alan
Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself and my husband so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 4 yr old niece. Please pray for my health. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life. I am asking for the TMJ issues to go away. Please pray that my teeth are not rotten.Please also pray for the pain from other health ailments will subside and I can live happily.
Padre pio I lost my 4 year old boy.my only son in a tragic accident i just hope god finds it in his heart to send me down more souls from heaven. As i have so much love to give.i pray every day .I hope its gods will .please can you ask the Lord to hear my prayers as his mother has my little maneen.love to heaven always
Padre o pio I lost my only son who was only four I know he is with our blessed mother.I handed him over to her in prayer. I just hope god finds it in his heart to send me more souls from heaven. I pray with my hole heart to have a chance to give more love to one of gods precious souls .for souls to born into a good and loving family.pray for me to bring up one of christs children in his name.big hugs st pio
Padre Pio through you i ask for divine intervention...May you touch my sister Maidy to be okey and healed from her ailment...she will undergo 3 test, starting at 6:30 today...I hopeand pray that everything will turn out okey. And may she be completely healed...
Husaini Akbarali Vakhariya is father of Huzefa Vakhariya. Please pray for my father to cure its illness.
Please help my father from his all problems by giving your presence in his dream. He is inviting you Dear Padre Pio to come in his dream for solving all his problems. Please solve his problems as soon as possible, Amin.
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